Chapter Fourteen *Edited*

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Rose's phone chimed beside her. Her eyes widen in shock as the username popped up on the screen. She was confused, but happiness and calmness took over her confusion. 

Jamsboi: Hey Rose. Listen I don't know what to do. I need someone to talk to about this Oli situation. You are the only one I trust at this moment. 

memesiwant: Anything you need. What are you thinking about? or want to talk about? 

Jamsboi: I know there's a lot of jokes going around about this issue. I even joke about it. But I can't shake this off. This guy. I don't know man. He just. It's scary. 

memesiwant: I admit, I did joke about it. But that was because it was kind of funny, how he acts. I did some research on him. 

Jamsboi: What did you find? 

memesiwant: So, I ended up finding out that this whole thing to look like you is clout. He's been wanting attention. He's earning money off profiting off you. Which in my opinion is fucking rude. How are you coping? 

Jamsboi: On top of our break up, and the stress of being an artist. This is next level shit. Everytime I go online now its Oli London. Jimin do you know about Oli London. Oli this, Oli that. React to Oli Jimin! Shit is taking a massive toll on me. I can't handle it. 

Jamsboi: This guy thinks I will be honored that he wants to look like me. But it makes me sad that he wants to be everything but himself. He doesn't realise he's hurting himself, and he's ruining my image at the same time. I get pressured to talk about it. 

Jamsboi: I get there are some idols that yes look like me. But this, they don't go out of their way to go into surgeries to look like me. But this, why? I get that yes, I'm decent looking. But, to be racist, rude and down right uncultured towards my race, and my culture. It's ruining things for me. I went into this knowing that being an idol came with crazy fans. 

Jamsboi: But this. Rose, man I don't want this anymore. I don't want to be going online to see him being everything but himself. 

memesiwant: He's being a clout chaser, there's other ways to get famous. But this is extreme even for me. Jimin, you need to talk to your company about it. Surely there is a way to make you feel safer. 

Jamsboi: I called PDnim, he's having a meeting with the entertainment offices. He didn't want me there. Namjoon is there, and he's sorting through what he thinks is best. Should I just respond to him? Tell him I don't feel comfortable with this situation? He's beautiful as himself. Not as me. No one can be me, I am me. I don't want him taking that away from me. 

memesiwant: He can't take that away from you. You are the only Park Jimin existing in the world. There are others. But you are the only one that is authentically you. Oli will have to learn. You respond you are feeding him to that. 

Jamsboi: I'm looking into him right now. 

Jamsboi: He's married a cut out of me... 

memesiwant: Maybe you need to come out and say you are in a relationship with someone. 

Jamsboi: Funny. That will make matters worse Rose. 

memesiwant: I mean, I could do something. Publically come out and say we were in a relationship. Oli will soon see it. Then I will respond and say something on your behalf... without people knowing its your behalf. 

Jamsboi: Rose. I love you really do. But this will backfire on you, your mental health. It's best to stay out of this. Unless the time comes. The only time I will go public against Oli is if he is threatening my group, and whoever I marry. Gender or no gender. I don't care. I love that you are wanting to help. I just needed someone to talk about. 

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