Chapter Twenty Two *Edited*

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 Jin sat across from Rose, his hands lifting food from his plate and into his mouth. His eyes twinkled with admiration as he stared at her fragile state. She looked almost like he remembered her. Her small frame, and her soft lips curved into that small smile. Namjoon was lucky when he had her. Jin couldn't comprehend how someone could turn away from someone like her. 

 "Rose, I know you don't remember. But I have something to tell you." Jin said, his mouth full, and food falling out. Rose giggled softly as he realized it landed on his new jeans. He did it intentionally, wanting her to be able to relax him as he noticed she was sitting tensely as she sipped her coffee. "Oh no! My Chicken fell out of my mouth!" 

"Jin you are more worried about your chicken than your own jeans! What is it?" Rose said, looking down at the white table. Jin leaned forward.

"Of course I am. That is one less piece of happiness that I could have eaten." Jin said amusingly with an innocent look on his face. But as soon as Rose tilted her head, his visuals turned dark. "So this cafe, funnily enough, was where we properly met. Namjoon brought you here for a date. He was sneaking around behind our back. So Jungkook and I decided to follow you two. Because we knew something was going on." 

"You followed me and my ex-boyfriend around. How dare you!" She laughed, covering her mouth. Even though she didn't know it, she always did it. She always complained about her teeth. She always thought they were her biggest flaw. 

Jin smiled softly, love just radiating around him. . "Hey he was sneaking out at 2 am, of course, we got curious. Anyway, we followed you in here, and Jungkook blew our cover.  Idiot tripped on himself and basically flew to the ground. Namjoon saw us, and he was mad. You loved it. You greeted us with this huge grin and loveable hug. It was hard to get Jungkook to stop blushing." 

"Why was he blushing?" 

Jin smiled deeply. "He had problems talking to people. You were so welcoming towards him. Didn't judge him for it. You treated him like he was someone you have known for years. You were always like that. You still are. You still are the same Rosey we all remember. Just some parts are just temporary missing. But will get you there. If that's what you want?" 

Rose glimpse up at him. She was unsure, it was obvious. She looked away, her lips turning downwards. "What if I don't like what I remember?." 

"The good always come with bad. But like I said to you this morning. I will help you with everything you need." Jin leaned forward and took her hand in his. "You helped me with almost everything, its my turn to return the favour. You mean a lot to me. More than you know." 

 "Thank you Jin, it means a lot." Rose smiled. Jin stood up, pushing his chair into the table. Reaching his hand out to her. 

"Would you like to take a walk around the Han river?" He asked. He remembered always walking with her. Arms linked together. Namjoon never had an issue with it. She had a strong bond with each of the members. She always made sure Namjoon was okay with everything. She was that type of person. Loyal to him, and to others. 

."Of course." She smiled taking his hand. "Oh Jin. Thanks for helping me through all this. I couldn't have done this without you. " 

"No need to thank me. I'm just doing what a real friend should do. I don't have a lot of time. But anything to make you happy." 

"Thank you Jin." 

"Always my dearest Rose." 

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