Chapter Three *Edited*

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Breakjoon: hey. Ah. I will make a deal with you...

memesiwant: what's that?

Breakjoon: if you take down my dick pic, I will give you free tickets to the BTS concert in Seoul.

memesiwant: declined. Because i live in Busan at the moment and i aint driving to seoul. I'm too broke to also buy a train ticket...

Memesiwant: and anyway, thats over an 4 hour drive to seoul from my area.

Breakjoon: COME ON. PLEASE. THIS CANT HAPPEN. If my Army find this, i'm screwed. Please...

memesiwant: you're in the army. Why didn't you just say.

Breakjoon: no no. That's my fanbase.

memesiwant: oh. Well in that case. Im keeping it up.

Breakjoon: for the love of God please.

Memesiwant: okay. Mr Kim Namjoon. Aka rapmonster. If you get me tickets, and pay for a train ticket i'll go. Since my step brother lives there, and i should go see him. I will go. But I only will take down the photo if I like what I see.

Breakjoon: fuck. Deal. JUST DON'T TAKE ANYMORE!!!

memesiwant: Take what. Take yo dick down Boi 😂😂😂😂

Breakjoon: seriously. You need to add this account majesticbangtan. You two are perfect for each other. You both are crazy bitches, that both have my penis...

memesiwant: How does one fuck up that badly? Two girls have the same picture of your thumb? Are you sure you are loyal to your girl...

Breakjoon: I messed up her new username...

memesiwant: And sent it to two accounts? nope I'm good. Once a cheater always a cheater...

Breakjoon: please. Just don't post anymore memes about my dick. This will end my career.

memesiwant: I won't. Promise. Brb. I am just going to slay myself with some EXO smut.


memesiwant: hold up.

Memesiwant: That was the most intense thing I have ever read. Army is awesome. Where do I sign up.

Breakjoon: right here....

User Has Changed Display Name From Breakjoon to Breakmon

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User Has Changed Display Name From Breakjoon to Breakmon

memesiwant: who is the guy at with the huge sunglasses. Because he looks like my step brother

Breakmon: Ah jhope. Jung Hoseok. He's a rapper, and lead dancer..

memesiwant: tell my step brother to get those glasses off he looks like kris Jenner. His mother will be disappointed. She's not quite caught up on the LGBTQ community.

Breakmon: you are.

memesiwant: Jung Hoseok's step sister. I know. Shook I know. So, yes I know BTS, and I just looked up BTS Namjoon Nudes. and There wasn't any....

Memesiwant: WAIT!



Breakmon: I SWEAR DON'T TELL HIM I SENT A NUDE. He will end my life with a swift kick to my neck!

memesiwant: too late. Incoming message in 3.. 2.. 1..

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