Chapter Eleven *Edited*

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Private chat with Jimin

Jamsboi: hey babe xx

memesiwant: We need to talk, Namjoon and Hoseok talked to me about something you spoke to them about. 

jamsboi: You are talking to Namjoon? Since when? Well, what do you want to talk about? 

memesiwant: Please be truthful. I am not mad. I know you have feelings for someone else. But you still care for me? I need you to tell me what is going through your mind. So I can decide where we can go from here. 

Jamsboi: I think the reason I fell for her there is that sense of she's here with me in Seoul, and you are in Busan. She sees everything happening around me. But she is probably just something my mind got fixed on because you aren't here. This may sound harsh, she's easy to be with, since she is mentally strong. Whereas you aren't. Which is okay. We all have these times with our lives. I still want to be with you, but I don't know if I can support you in the ways you need. I feel like I make your mental state worse. And I love you too much to do that. 

memesiwant: I understand that. You went into this knowing this was going to be a hard relationship and that it wouldn't be easy. I understand where you stand with her. You don't make things worse. You make things better, but when you aren't communicating with me, and aren't there to support me. It does make things hard, but I understood. Some people are not made for this. Maybe you are better off seeing how it goes with her. 

memesiwant: If it is not meant to be, we can always try again. I love you. But you need someone that can stand their feet. Where you can be with them without worrying about how they are every second of the day. We are just better off being friends, and living our lives unromantically. 

memesiwant: I hope you find happiness with her. You deserve the world, and I can't give that. You mean the world to me, too army and your team. You are so strong. You are worth everything you have, and so much more. You feel something for her, you need to go to her. I'm your second choice, and you are going to be happy. 

jamsboi: Rose. come on. Don't be that way. We can still be together. We can work through this. We always do x 

memesiwant: I'm sorry. 

memesiwant: Your happiness matters to me. If you're happy with her. Then I am happy. No matter how much pain it puts me through. I'll push through, and grow stronger.  I hope she makes you smile, I hope she makes you feel loved and cared for. I hope you remember everything I did for you, picked you up when you were weak, praised you when you were strong, and above all else. I hope you remember, no matter what. You remember I was there when you were at your lowest, and I was the only one that was there in those times, and I hope she gives you what I gave to you. I love you Park Jimin. You are loved and never forget it. 

memesiwant: Remember to eat three meals a day. Not to push yourself. Remember having a bit of chub is cute. 

memesiwant: Remember. Be strong. I will be here when you are ready. 

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