Chapter Twenty One *Edited*

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Bloominghobi: I know you need time. Jin wants to talk to you. Is that okay? 

memesiwant: Do I even have a choice in this? 

Bloominghobi: He generally doesn't take no for an answer. Esp when it comes to him being worldwide handsome. You two were close when you were with Namjoon, he will make things easier. 

memesiwant: Whatever... 

*Jinny Has Started Chatting With You*

Jinny: Hello, I am here to formally introduce myself as Jin, Worldwide Handsome. CEO of JinHIT entertainment. We specialize in breaking the rules x 

memesiwant: Hello there Mr. WorldWide Handsome that doesn't take no for an answer... Is that a real company? Can I join? 

Jinny: How are you doing? Yes, it is real. Made a website and everything. Yes, you can join. But you have to break rules. <3 

Jinny: I know things are hard right now. But I'm here to take your mind away from everything with dad jokes. Handsome selfies. Maybe Coffee dates? 

memesiwant: I'm okay. Just need time ya know. Thank you I'll take that offer up. Thank you. 

Jinny: Great, well I have a free space tomorrow, So coffee and a walk along the Han river? 

memesiwant: That sounds beautiful. Thank you, Jin. Why are you doing this? 

Jimmy: We used to be close when you and Namjoon were together. We always went for coffee dates, and walk along the Han river. You were always there when everyone was down. So now it is my turn to return the favor. I know you don't remember. But you deserve the world right now. I wanted to reach out earlier, but it wasn't the time. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. You were always the light in everyone's dark world, and you always appreciated my handsomeness. 

memesiwant: Wow. Was I close to all of Bangtan? 

Jinny: Yeah, you were mainly close to Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin. You were pretty standoffish with Jungkook and Taehyung. Not sure why though. Might have been Jungkook always tattooing himself, and chasing Taehyung around with the needle. I have to get back to work. I'll message you tomorrow or later tonight. I'm not sure. 

memesiwant: That sounds about right. I'm scared of needles. Have a good time at work. 

Jinny: I'll try too x See you tomorrow beautiful x. 

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