Chapter Nineteen *Edited*

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*Majesticbangtan has requested to chat with you*

*Request Accepted* 

majesticbangtan: hi, is this Rose? Jimin gave me your username. 

memesiwant: Yes. who are you?

majesticbangtan: Charlie, a Hoseok's friend. He hasn't mentioned me before. I don't like people knowing about me. 

memesiwant: Hi, nice to finally meet you. Hoseok has mentioned you once. You have a son right? 

majesticbangtan: Asshole. He lied to me haha. Yes, I do. Anyway, can we talk? Hoseok caught me up to speed with everything. 

memesiwant: Sure, how is he? 

majesticbangtan: Angry. There's a lot going on. Listen it's about Namjoon. You need to stay away from him. He's changed... It's not a good change. 

memesiwant: Yeah, I figured it out. 

majesticbangtan: He is refusing to tell you about the accident because he doesn't want you to remember. I didn't want to tell you, but no one was going to tell you and I thought that wasn't fair. You had a right to know. I am not supposed to talk to you. But you need to know. You are too good of a person to be put through this. 

memesiwant: I'm confused. 

majesticbangtan: Right. I am jumping the gun a bit. Sorry I tend to get this way when I am upset and angry. I feel people's pain. 

memesiwant: It's okay. So what is this about. 

 majesticbangtan: Jimin mentioned to me that he said something about your accident. 

memesiwant: Yep. He did. They aren't telling me shit, and it pisses me off when people are talking about it and no one tells me whats going on. 

majesticbangtan: The nerve of these boys. Putting you through this pain, esp. when you didn't know what happened. Right I know it isn't my place to tell you. But you need this! Do you want the truth? Are you ready for it? 

memesiwant: Okay. I am ready. Please. 

majesticbangtan: Okay here goes. You were in a car crash two years ago. You lost your memories. You grew schizophrenic, but the truth is. You aren't. The voice. It's. This is hard. 

memesiwant: What? Explain more? So I'm not insane? I'm not hallucinating?  I am reliving memories? 

majesticbangtan: No you aren't. Yes, that's true. Rose, I am sorry. I am sorry you had to find out through a stranger. Before the accident, Namjoon and you were in a relationship. You two were together for 4 years. You crashed and lost your memory. Namjoon didn't visit you after the crash, and he learned you lost your memory of him. Jimin visited you a lot, he didn't want you to be alone. Obviously, You then started dating Jimin and it hurt Namjoon. So he forgot about you. He was angry. Your family made a deal with him. Which you know about it. I really didn't want to tell you this. I'm sorry. But you needed to know. Namjoon let you back in thinking that you would regain the memories that you and Namjoon shared. He did this all on purpose. He missed you. But he saw it wasn't working. Well, he thought it wasn't. 

memesiwant:  Namjoon... Did I put him through that pain? I feel like a bad person. 

majesticbangtan: It wasn't your fault Rose. 

memesiwant: but then it makes sense why I love him? Why I feel like I know. 

majesticbangtan: Because you loved with him before... 

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