Chapter Ten *Edited*

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A day passed, Rose sat quietly on her couch in front of the window that showed the beautiful view of Busan. Her mind thinking about the events that placed her there. 

She felt alone, she couldn't understand the way the world progressed her relationship with Jimin. "We were destined to fall, we were destined to be a failing mess."  She thought to herself as she stayed still, while her hands were collecting the tears that fell from her cheeks. Her sadness was silent, and her body was heaving with pain.  She was waiting for Hoseok's arrival, since he wasn't making any nudges to back off his decision. 

Rose's eyes flickered to the her front door, as it twist opened. Hoseok stood in the doorway's entrance. His hair pushed back and dyed a ginger blonde. He smiled softly at her. She felt warm, he always made her feel safe, Hoseok had that effect on people. He was a soul that cherished everyone around him. She weakly smiled back at him. 

"Hello beautiful." He said, his tone soft and gentle. He knew she needed the softness, and the tenderness of love, even though he was sad for her. 

"Hey, come in. I'm just watching the view." Rose mumbled, shifting along the couch as Hoseok walked inside, and sat beside her. His arm draped across the back of the couch. "I'm sorry for causing you to come here. You did warn me to be careful." She says, afraid to look at Hoseok. 

"I warned you to be careful, for your mental health, not because he is Jimin." Hoseok said, His eyes glazed over Rose's state and paused. He leant forward, and tucked his fingers under her chin. She glanced at him. Looking straight into his eyes. "I generally thought Jimin loved you, I didn't expect this to happen to you. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you step foot into that dance room that day. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I should have seen this from Jimin. I should have been a better brother to you." 

Rose looked at him, with tear stained eyes. "It isn't your fault. It's no ones fault but mine. I was careless. I should have known better than diving straight into something knowing my mental health couldn't take the hit." 

Hoseok sighed, and wrapped his arm around Rose's shoulder and pulled her close to him. "Jimin. He will see one day, that he has lost an angel. We need to let this fade into a memory, and I need to start being there for you more. Which I will try harder."

"I love you, but you sound like a robot." She sighed into Hoseok's shoulder as she settled her head down. "Is the girl at least nice, and prettier than me?" 

Hoseok chuckled, and ran his fingers through Rose's hair. "You are asking me your brother, the person that is always biased towards you. If she's the girl I'm thinking off, yeah she is okay looking. Nothing compares to you though. Though in a fight, you would most likely lose, that bitch got thighs for days. Poof, man."

"I feel so stupid man, I should have seen this coming. I always feared this." 

"I don't like seeing you this way. You are always so cheerful." He admitted sadly. His head tilting down into his chest. "You aren't stupid you were just following your emotions. Everyone does. I think you need to talk to Jimin, and just see where things can go. Though I think its safe to say, that this relationship doesn't serve you. You are worth more than this. Which speaking of you being worth more." Hoesok sighed. "Why did you keep in contact with Namjoon after he sent that monster of a small dick? You should have ran north towards North Korea, and China."

"I don't know. I feel this familiar presence, like I just know him. I just feel safe with him, like he know's me better than I know myself, and he keeps life interesting when you and Kate are busy." She snuffled. Looking Hoseok in the eyes.

"Kate?" Hoseok says tilting his head to the side. "New friend? Namjoon has that sense about him. I got it when I first met him." He said, shifting uncomfortably.  

"Old friend." Rose corrected him. "You've met her a few times." 

"Is she your friend that is the crystal and witchy type . She is scary. Can she make Namjoon's dick leave my thoughts?"  

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