Chapter 4

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A couple more weeks go by, and you feel like you're in hell and paradise at the same time. You want to talk to him, other than student-teacher talk, and you want to do something with him. Like a date or something. But you know you can't do any of it. He can't possibly be interested in you, and even if he was, what could the two of you do? It's stricktly forbidden to get tangeld up in a love realationship between teachers and studens. You know that, and he knows that. The odds are not in your favor.

You rush to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You're running a little late this day. You wanted to look extra presentable for Loki, so you had to check your hair and make-up before class. You have established that one of the front desks are yours, so no one has ever tried to take it. You look at your feet, trying not to stumble in your cape while you run down the hall to the classroom. You don't see Loki coming from the other end, in fact you don't see him at all before the two of you get stuck in the doorway, tight together. Shoulder to shoulder you stand. You look to your right. "Ehehehe", he smile and laugh. "Ladies first", he says and reaches out a hand, offering you to go first. You blush and smile shyly while sliding away from him. "Thank you", you stutter, turn and go to your seat. Your cheeks are litteraly burning. Not that you're embarressed or anything, you've just never been so close to him before. You can feel the spot where your shoulders rubbed against each other. You bite your lip while opening your book. Time to focus on the subject at hand, not the one in your mind. But you simply can't help it, and let your imagination fly free.

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