Chapter 30

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It's Sunday morning and you're lying in bed cuddeling. "Loki?", you suddenly ask, your head resting on his bare chest, your fingers stroking across his soft skin. "Yes", he says. "I've been meaning to ask, but I always forget; How come I never see you on Mondays?", you lift your head and look at his face. "I attend markets and go into the woods looking for ingredients for my spells and potions", Loki starts explaining. "My mother is ill, and I'm trying to cure her. She's been well for a while, but it came back... I'm afraid this time she's ill beyond curing. But I'm doing what I can to save her. I just hope I can come up with something before it's too late", he looks into your eyes. You can see the pain in his, and you feel tears pressing on. "I'm sorry", you say. "Me too", Loki says and strokes your cheek. "She's all I got left". "You got me", you say, wrapping your arms around him, hugging him tight. "I know", Loki says and kisses your forehead. "I know". "Always", you whisper.

Monday comes, and you know now why you don't see him. He's being a saint, trying to save his mom. You want to help him, but you don't know how, but it seems like just having you in his life, knowing that he got you, helps. And you don't think he's only using you as a distraction to get his mind off his ill mother. You sure hope that isn't the case. You hope he's with you becuase he wants to, not because he needs to. But considering everything he's said and done, being such a gentleman and all, saying that he loves you... You know he's being honest, no faul play, that his relationship to you is the real thing. He doesn't have it in him not to be real, honest and upfront with you. He's not that kind of guy. Your heart starts to race while you think of him. You love him so. He's perfect in every way. You can't wait to see him the next day. Keeping a low profile is hard, and it's only gonna get harder. That much you know.

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