Chapter 22

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You spend the rest of the week hiding from the rest of the staff and students, hanging out, making out. You're so ready for Loki, you can't focus anymore. If he still thinks it's too soon to "do it" the upcoming weekend, you'll die. You want him so much, you're in physical pain yearning for his body.

"Where have you been all week?", a friend of yours ask. "I've been busy", you say. "I'll say, you hardly ever spend any time with us, and I think your excuses are getting thin. If you don't want to hang with us, just say it. Just stop lying to us!", your friend is kinda angry, and you understand. You need to think of a very good excuse to save your behind this time. "I...", you start saying. "I'm kinda seeing someone", you say. "Yeah, we know, but you said he's older and don't go here", your friend narrows her eyes and looks suspiciously at you. "I do, but I'm kinda seeing another guy too", you look down. "Two? Girl you've been busy!", your friend smirks. "Yes, I... I'm just keeping my options open. I like them both", you say. "Who is he?", your friend wants to know. "He's... He's someone in Slytherin", you say. "WHAT?!?", your friend is shocked. "You see, that's why I've been lying... I didn't want you to know that I was dating, especially someone from that house. You don't like them", you say and cross your arms. "You got that right. Who is he?", your friend asks. "I'm not gonna tell you, we're no where near on being exclusive yet, so you'll just have to wait. No point in telling who he is", you say and really want to drop the subject. "Fine", your friend says kinda disappointed. "You've been very good at hiding you relationship though, I had no idea. I hope you'll tell me if it's getting serious. I am your friend after all". "Yes", you say. "I promise to tell you more if it gets serious, but until then, can you please keep this to yourself? Keep it hush, hush? I don't want the others to know", you look at your friend. "Sure", your friend says. "But I'm dying to find out who he is". "That's what I'm afraid of", you think to yourself.

You're in deep, you know. Making up two guys to cover up your relationship with one. But he's so worth it. You love your friends, but being with Loki, you kinda love that even more. But hopefully all will end well, and you might get to keep both your friends and Loki.

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