Chapter 18

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You spend the day chilling in the cottage reading a book while Loki corrects some papers. You sit on the couch snuggled up in a blanket, crackling sounds are coming from the fireplace and hot steam's rising from your tea cup. It's the prefect setting. The man of your dreams sitting by the dinner table, sending you longing looks when you aren't looking, and your mind wandering off to steel a kiss from him every now and then. Suddenly he stands up and walks over to you. He doesn't say anything, he just sits down on the couch beside you. You put your book down and look at him. He strokes your cheek and leans in fast to kiss you. You utter a surprised moan before you respond to the kiss. He pulls away from you and smile. You smile too. "Wanna go for a walk?", he asks. "Yes, that would be nice", you answer.

You walk hand in hand in the forest, smiling, chatting. "I have to go and get some stuff for dinner later", Loki says. "I didn't quite know what to get, since I don't know what you prefer to eat". "Oh, I'm not very picky. I eat pretty much everything, just as long as it's not anything mushy or fishy. Ha, ha", you laugh. Loki laughs too. "I can assure you I don't know how to cook anything like that". "Good", you say. "Do you want me to come with you? To the shop?", you ask. "No, you better not. We don't know who might see us together. We might be outside school's property, but we're not safe", Loki stops. "I know", you sigh. "But it doesn't stop me from doing this", Loki says and presses up against a tree. You throw you arms around him and you start to make out. He sneaks his tongue out and you respond by doing the same. The tongue action is driving you crazy. "Mmmm", you purr and open his coat, pulling him closer by the lapels, like he wasn't close enough from before. You stop and gasp for air. You don't say anything, just staring at each other like two starving predators. "I better go and get the things I need to make dinner, or we'll just end up feasting on each other", Loki says. You let go of his coat. "Yeah, you better".

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