Chapter 9

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The clock ticks painfully slow towards eight o'clock. You've been to dinner and been out for a walk with your friends. They said some fresh air would do you good. And they were right, though nothing did you more good than knowing that Loki liked you and had responded to your feelings. "I gotta go", you say as the clock shows five minutes to eight. "Where are you going?", a friend asks. "To the library", you say. "Can I come with you?", she asks. "No, I need to study on my own. I feel like I'm falling behind", you say. "Falling behind? You? Yeah, right! You're one of the brightest students here, I'm not buying it", she looks suspiciously at you. "I'm taking an extra class, but I don't attend it since it clashes with another class, but they have granted me to study on my own if I can handle it, so gotta go", you say and rush through the common room before your friend manage to ask any more questions.

You're wearing a pair of black jeans, boots and black tee with a diffuse print and a leather jacket. You knock on the door to the classroom, and enter. He's sitting behind his desk. "Casual style?", he asks and smiles. "Yes", you blush. "I like it", he gets up and walks towards you. He's wearing a pair of black trousers and a black knitted sweater. He looks quite handsome. The door behind you klicks as it's being locked, and you know why. Your lips meet and you kiss. "This has been a very intriguing day", he says. "Sure have", you look into his eyes. "But still, I want to go over chapter six with you. You missed class because of me, and I would like to make it right", he leads you towards your desk. He sits down on the stool beside you. You open your book, but find it very hard to concentrate. "Eyes on the text, mind on the words", Loki says and smirks as he can see images of you and him kissing in your head. "Yes, professor", you giggle.

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