Chapter 28

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"What happened to your lipstick", your friend asks when you get back to your room. "Things got a little hot with "Slyther-boy", huh?", she scoffs. "You can say that", you say and smirk a little. "That's it!", you friend shouts. "Drop the bleeping act Y/N! I know what's going on!". "What? What are you talking about?", you ask. "You and the professor! Loki! I know!", your friend rages. "What? How?", you are shocked. "I followed you!", she goes on. "I was tired of being lied at. Don't you trust me?", she asks. "Not anymore. Not after this", you shout. "How could you? You're not just putting me in danger, but Loki too. He can lose his job becuase of this". "You should have thought about that before you batted your eyes at him. For goodness' sake! He's your teacher. This is forbidden", your friend crosses her arms. "It is? I didn't know that", you say sarcastic. "Come on, Y/N, you better end this before someone else than me finds out", your friend looks at you with pleading eyes. "I can't", you say and sit down on your bed. "I... I love him", tears stream down your face. "I've never felt like this before, the way he makes me feel. He's amazing", you look up at your friend. Her eyes soften a little bit. She sits down beside you and takes your hand. "Y/N, I'm not gonna tell anyone. You're my friend and I love you. But don't tell me I didn't warn you", she smiles. "Thank you, warning noted", you smile too.

"Sooo, how much did you see?", you ask after a while. "Not that much, only two persons feasting on each other's lips like they haven't eaten in weeks. It was kinda gross actually", your friend makes a face and you give her a nudge in the side. "Just kidding, you two look really hot together. I knew he was your type", your friend smiles. "He sure is", you say dreamy. "So, do you promise to keep my realtionship with Professor Laufeyson a secret?", you ask. "I do, as long as you don't lie to me anymore", your friend says. "I promise", you say. "And now that I know what's actually going on, I can help cover for you", your friend smiles. "I could never ask you to do that", you say. "I want to. Though we haven't spent much time together lately, I can tell that you've been happy, and if your happiness is Loki, than I'll help you get your daily dose of the professor", your friend smirks. You chuckle. "Thank you", you smile and give her a quick hug.

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