Chapter 33

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You come into your room. Your friend is there, alone, and before you know it, you start to cry again. "What's the matter?", she asks. "Loki, he's leaving", you say. "What, why?", your friend asks. "He's gotta go home and look after his mother. She's very ill, probably ill beyond curing, and he wants to be with her till the end", you say. "Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that", your friend sits down on the bed beside you. "He's a saint, and of course he has to go home when times are like these, but I'll miss him so while he's gone. He really got me you know; heart, soul and mind. And without him... Well, I can't seem to stop crying". Your friend puts an arm around you and you lean your head against her shoulder. "It's okay to cry", she says. "It would have been worse if you didn't. Tears, whether of sadness or joy, shows the world that you are capable to feel, and I know how Loki makes you feel. I wish I had someone like that too". "You will, my dear friend", you look up into her eyes. "You're truly amazing, any guy who doesn't see that is a damn fool, and got to answer to me", you smile. "Thank you", your friend says. You hug for a brief moment, before you both sit back and sigh, looking into the space in front of you.

"So now what?", your friend asks. "Now what how?", you ask. "I take it that you'll be spending more time with us now that Loki's gone", she says. "Yes, you're right. If you guys want me back then", you say and look at her. "Of course we do, but they'll probably wonder why you're back all of a sudden", your friend says. "Yes, they will. Hmmm... What if we, I, told them that Slyther-boy and I broke up, or are taking a break for now?", you ask. "Yes, that could work", your friend says. "Yes, that would definitely work", she nods. "All right, I'll stick to that then", you say and smile.

You get to tell your friends your "break-up story" already the same night. They feel bad for you and try to comfort you, but you say it's mutual, and that you're okay with it. But being so cold about your so-called relationship break-up also leaves you only but one choice; to stay tough and hang in there till Loki gets back.

It's past midnight and you lie in bed tossing and turing. You simply can't sleep knowing Loki's still around. You wanna see him, and you want him so bad. Knowing that he'll be gone for a long time, leaves your body craving a last round to get some pleasurable fuel to get by till his return. You make up your mind. You'll go and see him.

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