Chapter 1: The Clan

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***Huge shout out to Short-and-Kinky for and amazing new cover!! I just love it so much and I'm honored that someone would be willing to do this for me!! Enjoy the story!***

Shoving my whining sister out of my face I growled in annoyance at her. Today her and my mother were just annoying the hell out of me so I was in a foul mood already.

"Come on Jackson," she whined, "Don't go out there again! You just got back! Let the Alphas bring back the food, you don't have to do it," she insisted as she grabbed on to the beads hanging from my neck to stop me.

Growling as I got more annoyed I ripped her hand off of me but I was mindful not to break any of my necklaces. They are too important and pretty for me to even risk breaking them. My sister, Marley, is a respected Alpha of our clan and one hell of a warrior but she was way too overprotective of me.

"Why shouldn't I go hunting?" I snapped. Hunting is something that I loved doing and I was very good at it.

"Because you're an Omega. Just let the Alphas provide for you. It's how it's meant to be!" she protested.

Huffing in annoyance I spun on my heel and stomped into the forest as I ignored Marley's calls for me to return. In my clan, Konek, and in everywhere in the world people are born as either Alphas, Betas, or Omegas and each title comes along with roles and responsibilities. The Alpha's jobs are to provide protection, food, counsel, and to sire children. Bets have basically the same jobs except it is looked down on for them to sire children and they get a wider verity of jobs like the builders, healers, and few counsel members. Then there are the Omegas. We are seen as the child bearers, menders, bed warmers, home cleaners, and nest builders.

I may be an Omega but I don't fit into the Omega category with the way I act, but even with me being the way I am some of things that the Omegas are expected to carry out have been burned into my mind through harsh lessons. But through all of my lessons I taught myself how to gather food and how to hunt for myself, much to the annoyance of my mother. She is also an Omega and is very disapproving of me since I'm not a 'model Omega'. But even though I'm not a model Omega I have been betrothed to the soon to be Vobal! The Vobal is the head Alpha, or the leader of our clan, and he is the biggest jackass in the forest. He's cocky, and rude, and mean with a superiority complex. The worst part of being an Omega is you have no say over whom you mate with; you are just something to be fought over with no choice of your own. You just have to hope that the Alpha that you get is at least decent towards you.

In my clan there are close to thirty Omegas, but there are near a hundred Alphas so the fights can get rather vicious, but the Betas, which we have close to a hundred of, keep the clan running during mating season and other times where the Alphas are preoccupied.

Huffing in anger I scowled at the thought. Alphas are only ever preoccupied when they are bitching their Omega partners into the floor. Growling at the thought I checked over my shoulder quickly to see that I was not being followed before I let out a breath of relief. This time that I spend hunting in the forest is some of the only time that I am allowed out of my home and into the sunlight, but despite that I still sport a glowing tan that made my dark brown hair look even better on me. The three necklaces around my neck swayed and slapped gently against my chest as I walked and they were clattering gently, but I didn't dare take them off. Each of the necklaces I wore symbolized something about me, but I'm not going to go into that right now.

Thick leather was strapped and wrapped around my hips and down to my thighs and furs were also wrapped around my hips for extra comfort and warmth. My calloused bare feet walked effortlessly through the bush as I started to track prey lazily. I had already eaten today so I wasn't in a huge rush to catch something; this trip was manly for some alone time. My eyes that matched the bright green foliage picked up a set of rabbit tracks and I started to follow them with soundless footsteps as I rested my hand on a dagger that I had strapped to my side. I wasn't supposed to have a dagger but I told the Warrior leader that I needed on to cut leather since I was going to be making something for my betrothed. That was a fat lie but I did manage to get the dagger so who's complaining?

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