Chapter 28: Fixing Ourselves

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Jacksons POV

It has been two months since the raid, two months that I have been the Soma acting Ral, two months since Mathis has been taken. There has been no trace of the Baket clan or where they could have taken our clan members or there they home base it.

Construction has been going slowly but smoothly and there seems to be a dark cloud hanging above everyone all of the time. I don't know how people could be cheery when seventy-three people from the clan were taken and two hundred plus people. The clan now felt a lot smaller and more hostile as everyone was on edge for another attack or something to happen. After I was put in charge I coordinated a mass burial for the dead and we put them to rest. There were a lot of tears and a lot of pain, but I was numb the whole time as I watched the people being buried.

Fran now had the title as commander since Mathis is gone and she is in charge of training and making sure the border is protected. The wall was one of the first things that we fixed but everyone still feels unsafe.

Rubbing the stress from my eyes I looked down at the map on the table in front of me. I was in a new building that was acting as the Head Hut since the other one was still being repaired. Running my finger over the map I surveyed the surrounding are as I tried to figure out where Baket could have gone. I just knew that Mathis and all of the captives were still alive, they had to be. Something about the leader told me so. He has a grudge against Thofit and Mathis in particular so once he got the people from the clan I couldn't see him just killing them all.

Groaning, I rolled my shoulders to try to get rid of some of the tension as I looked over to the sleeping Rowan. I had placed him on the furs next to me so I could keep an eye on him and right now he and Colton were my only anchors. If I didn't have them and Mathis was taken I don't know what I would have done. The door was pushed open and I looked up to see Colton entering with his head down and Den following obediently.

Concerned, I put the map away as I watched him proceed towards me. When he was nearly at my feet he looked up and my heart broke at the tears streaming down his face. Not hesitating I scooped him up and cradled him in my arms. He buried his face into the crook of my neck as he sobbed and I just rocked him as I hummed. The attack took a toll on him too, and he has only started going outside again recently.

Setting him on my lap I got his attention and signed to him, "What's wrong?" as I also said the words.

"The other kids are all so sad and they look hurt." he signed slowly. He hesitated for a second before starting to sign again, "When is Dad going to be home?"

My breath caught in my throat as I looked away and I just shook my head in the I don't know motion. He started to cry again and it wasn't long before he was asleep and I put him down next the still sleeping Rowan.

Ribbing away the tears pricking at my eyes I took a shuddering breath to keep myself calm and centered. As I did there was another knock at the door and Fran poked her head in. When she saw that the kids were sleeping she motioned for me to come out of the hut. Getting to my feet I patted Den's head as I moved towards the door, and Den followed.

Getting outside I took another calming and centering breath as I closed the door, "What is it?" I asked Fran.

"Brody is here, she wants to talk to you. She has a few people and wolves with her but she doesn't seem hostile," she said quickly as she stood to attention.

Nodding, I motioned for her to lead the way. We quickly made our way through the ruined and slowly being rebuilt clan to the wall gates where Brody and a group were waiting.

When I was close I gave her a small bow as she bowed in return. "Ral Brody," I started, "What is the meaning of your visit?"

"I heard about the attack," she said smoothly but with sadness in her eyes, "And I am truly sorry. I am here to inform you that Tarac is here for your aid should you need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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