Chapter 26: My Loved One

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Jackson's POV

Letting out a deep breath I looked back to my pursuers before I took off again. Now that I didn't have to worry about my children being safe I scrambled up the side of a building as I ran across the roofs. The wildlings were keeping pace on foot as I slipped around on my own blood and tried to lose them. They were very persistent though in getting me, and one well-placed arrow stuck into my side had me stumbling and falling off of the building with a loud clatter.

They were on me in a second as they grabbed me by my hair and tied my hands. Pulling out the arrow they shoved me to my feet and forced me to walk but I was too tired to pay attention to where we were going. When we rounded another corner my eyes widened at what was in front of me, Omegas of all age and all children too young to have presented yet were all tied up and seated in rows surrounded by armed wildlings. Other Alpha groups were also pushing new Omegas to the group but before they were pushed to the ground they were being shown to one Alpha in particular who was shaking his head no at all Omegas presented to him.

The Alpha holding me got in line to see the Alpha looking over all of the Omegas and I just stumbled along. As the line moved a small boy jumped to his feet and made a run for it but he was tackled to the ground by an Alpha three times the child's size. The Alpha started punching the child in the face and body as he hauled the shaking boy back to his feet and the boy already had a broken arm and broken and bleeding nose.

With a snarl I threw my head back and it connected with the Alphas nose with a sickening crunch and I was running. Even with my arms tied I threw my body at the Alpha attacking the child and knocked him over. Snapping my sharp teeth down on his arm I shook my head as he punched me with his free arm and I managed to tear a chunk of his arm off and he stumbled back. I took the chance to stand protectively over the child that reminded me of Colton but I was quick to be taken down as I was punched and kicked repeatedly.

Once they were done they pulled my head up by my hair and the Alpha looking over all the Omegas looked me over and smiled a creepy smile. He stalked over to the unconscious boy and poked him with his toe and I didn't even try to stop my growl of fury as I bared my teeth.

"So, this boy is important to you eh Jackson," the man said evenly as I he smiled at me but I just spit a mouthful of blood on him. It splattered on his legs but he just ignored it. "Now now, that is no way for the Vobal to act is it?" He made a motion to another Alpha and he brought over a torch. The one who knew my name twirled it in his hands before turning back to me, "You know, it was Mathis who stopped us last time and he was just a teenager, but he won't be able to do anything when we have his mate and his child is dead," he told me as he lit the child's body on fire.

Screaming, I struggled to get free but the four Alphas holding me weren't going to let me go anywhere as I watched the child's still body blacken and burn. One of the holds on me lessened and I took the chance to lean down and bite off a finger. The Alpha screamed in pain and I bit another one.

"You little bitch!" the Alpha who's finger I bit off screamed as he raised a dagger and brought it down into my chest three times.

Blood filled my mouth as I released my tensed jaw and before I knew what was happening the wildlings were being attacked and were starting to fall one by one, but I could do nothing to keep my eyes from falling shut.

Mathis's POV

We made it back to the clan by late morning the second day but even during the night we could see the smoke. Seeing the clan just had us running faster as we passed through the ruined front gates and into the smoldering first buildings. I frantically looked for any life among the warriors on the ground but commotion and yelling caught my attention and I ran towards the sound.

In the clearing where Jackson and I usually take the children I could see Omegas and children tied and lined up but there was a group off to the side struggling with one Omega in particular. By his side was the still burning body of a child and I could just watch as Jackson bit off the finger of an Alpha holding him before grabbing another Alpha with his sharp teeth, but he was helpless to stop the dagger that plunged into his chest three times. Blood started to flow from his mouth as he sagged to the ground.

Screaming I took out all of the Alphas holding my mate as the wildlings started to yell and retreat. Ignoring it all I collected Jackson into my arms as tears fell from my face. He was covered in wounds and he wasn't breathing, and from his reaction I could just guess who the burnt child was. Pulling my mate into my chest I abandoned my weapons to my side as I screamed in anger and pain.

Colors blossomed across my eyes after I was hit in the back of the head by something hard and I fell to the ground. Standing over me was none other than Sawell, the leader of Baket. He squatted down as he looked down at me.

"Your mate was a fighter," he told me as the fighting was going on around us, "Too bad that is what cost him his life." Then everything went black.


There will be more chapters but I wanted to get this out 

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