Chapter 2: The Alpha

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Jackson's POV

I raced through the forest in the direction of my home as I tried to put distance between the Alpha and me. He didn't seem to be too hostile but it is better to be safe then sorry. Running, I slowed down when I saw a river that was lazily flowing and pretty shallow, and deciding I was far enough away from the Alpha I stopped running and started looking around for the plants that I would need. I had to find the one that prevented infection, one that stopped bleeding, and another one that would keep it all in place.

Quickly poking around I found all that I needed in a flash and was soon mashing it all up on a dry flat stone with another flat stone. Once it was a thick paste I walked over to the water and quickly cleaned all of my cuts with the water before smearing the stinging goop into my cuts. Once I was finished I plopped down on another warm rock and sat in the sun. I knew that I shouldn't be out here alone, especially since I had just seen an Alpha, but I was not ready to go home. Who knew when I would be allowed to go out next?

Pressing my back into the warm rock I folded my hands behind my head as I closed my eyes. I knew better then to fall asleep on the ground, I should have climbed a tree to sleep, but I was just so content where I was and the sun felt wonderful. Before I knew it, I was falling asleep.

Mathis's POV

Following the Omega proved to be a little challenging, but nothing too extreme, especially with the trial of blood he was leaving. Watching him in concern I knew that he would have to patch up his cuts, but I didn't even know if he knew how to do that. He proved to me that he knew what he was doing when he confidently gathered a few plants and looked like he patched himself fairly well though he would still have to see a healer.

From just watching the curious Omega he had proved that he knew what he was doing and he could take care of himself, but that wasn't a huge surprise to me. Most of the Omegas in my can knew how to take care of themselves whether it was hunting or healing, but I had to admit that this boy was far more attractive then any of the Omegas in my clan. The Omegas that we have are fine, don't get me wrong, but none of them had held my attention like this one was. His scent was fresh and wild.

I positioned myself downwind from him so that I would remain undetected as he lied down on one of the rocks and seemed to be sunning himself, making me hiss in annoyance. Didn't he know that by a river was one of the worst places to let your guard down? All of the predators and prey in this area are going to be coming here to drink. He isn't safe.

Like a switch had been flipped in the boy he jolted awake and faced the forest, and I looked too to see the tiger that I had been hunting slink out of the forest as he eyed the boy. There was no way that an Omega of his size could take on the tiger, even if he was a hunter, and it was already too late for him to run since the tiger was close and had his eyes locked on to the Omega. I could see that the boy was afraid and fear started to tint his scent, but he remained calm for the most part much to my disbelief.

The tiger crouched low and wiggled its shoulders as it got ready to pounce, but the boy lifted his knife into a ready position, as he got ready to defend himself from the beast. Though he stance was a little too wide and his blade too low he seemed to know at least a little bit about fighting. The tiger licked his chops and pounced.

Jackon's POV

The tiger was flying through the air and at me faster then I could comprehend, but before it could even hit me a figure, an Alpha, tackled it from the side. The force of the blow caused both the tiger and the Alpha to go crashing back into the trees and bushes. Falling on to my butt in disbelief I took a second to comprehend what had just happened. An Alpha had just saved me from being killed, and if he scent was anything to go by this Alpha was the one from before who was watching me while I was in a trap, that I'm assuming was his. But, then why would he save me.

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