Chapter 27: What Do We Do Now?

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Jackson's POV

It's dark and I am floating. It's quiet. It's never quiet anymore, there is always some type of sound. Where is Rowan? Where is Colton? Den? Mathis? What happened to me? At least nothing is hurting.

A bright light invaded my senses but I knew that my eyes were closed. What is it? I just want to go back to my family. I just want this nightmare to be over. Particles were floating around me but I didn't really exist here so I couldn't swat them away.

"Jackson," a soft voice called to me.

I wanted to go towards that voice. It was so warm and soothing and it promised comfort for all time.

"Are you ready to go Jackson?" the voice asked as a hand made out of pure white light asked as it reached out to me.

Speechless, I looked down to see my body. There were three heavily bleeding stab wounds on my chest dripping blood but once the blood fell from my body they vanished, leaving the pristine whiteness. Still though, nothing hurt.

"Where are my children?" I asked the voice, but I didn't feel panic, just curiosity.

I couldn't see a smile but I could feel it, "They are not ready yet to join us. It is not their time," the voice answered as it beckoned with the hand made of light again, "Are you ready to go Jackson?" it asked again.

Thinking with a tilt of my head I tried to make out the figure, "Is it my time to go?" I wondered out loud.

"Is it?" the light answered my question another. "You have escaped from your home clan, found love, mated, had children, made friends. Are you ready to go Jackson?" it asked patiently.

Threading my fingers together I bit my lip feeling the first hints of nervousness, "I am worried," I confessed.

"What are you worried about? There is nothing to worry about here."

"I am worried about my clan, Thofit. I am worried about my children, they are still young and they need me still. I am worried about Den and Evelyn, they are important to me. I am worried about my mate, Mathis, and what is happening to him," I answered feeling more and more nervous. What am I doing here? I need to get back!

"What could you do even if you did go back?" the voice asked as it beckoned with its hand once more, "How could you help? Are you ready to go Jackson?"

"I can lead," I answered strongly, "I can provide, I can advise, I can help in any way I can. But I can't do anything while I am here?"

"And where is here?"

Looking around I took a deep breath before I looked to the glowing hand, "I'm dying, and close to dead already. But I am not ready to go," I answered firmly.

"Are you sure? Not many get this chance a second time? You want to go back? Are you ready to go Jackson?" it asked in an even tone.

"Yes," I answered firmly.

The hand pulled back into the light and the light retreated until I was floating in darkness again with particles around me.

"Good luck."

Falling down my backed was slammed into a hard floor and I gasped in a deep breath as my eyes weakly fluttered open. Screaming, loud footsteps and moaning was all around me and someone was harshly pushing on my chest.

"Come on Jackson," the person above me was practically yelling, "If I have to drag you from the jaws of death myself don't think that I won't do it!"

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