Chapter 18: Marley

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Mathis's POV

Once Clara injected something in Jackson's arm he was asleep. Iver and I both leaned back on our heels as we sighed. Clara fussed over Jackson and to my annoyance, Iver wouldn't leave, but I was too worried about Jackson to care about the other Alpha. Jackson was delusional and fevered for a whole week and through that week he only woke up four or five times, and every time he did it was bad.

The first time Jackson woke up he managed to grab the small blade from the sleeping Iver's belt and swing at the still slumbering Alpha. My hand shot out and I grabbed his wrist so he only managed to graze Iver's chest, shocking the Alpha awake. Then he passed out again.

The next time he woke up his eyes locked with mine before he broke out into tears. I had though that he had gotten his mind back and leaned forwards to collect him in my arms when he stopped crying and punched me in the face. My nose cracked under the impact and I shrieked in surprise and pain, then Jackson blacked out again. Clara had to reset my crooked and bleeding nose and I was back to hovering over Jackson as I waited for him to get better.

The third time Jackson managed to get to his feet and rush at Clara who was working with another patient. Before Jackson could cause her any harm Den jumped between the two and Jackson froze again before he was out. The last time he woke up he lashed out with is legs first, catching Iver in the chest. The large Alpha grunted in pain and grabbed my Mate's legs. Going for his arms he managed to punch my jaw before I pinned him down. He screamed in protest and strained against our hold for a good ten minutes before he slipped under again.

The whole week he had a high fever and since he wasn't awake to eat he lost a lot of weight and was close to dehydration. We tried to trickle water down his throat but there was only so much we could do. Den wasn't much better, he refused to eat or drink as he laid at Jackson's side and whimpered for him to wake up. The only reason that I had been eating was because when I refused to listen to Clara she had brought in Ral Percy and he had talked (beat) some sense into me. Iver and Povl, to my anger, stayed with Jackson the whole time. I tried to threaten and convince them to leave but he shot me down every time.

Evelyn has been hysterical when she heard that Jackson was sick but she wasn't allowed to see him in fear that she too would get the sickness. Nio, Adia and Bear all stopped in though to bring me food and ask how Jackson was doing. I am not ashamed to say that I have been with Jackson the whole time he was sick but I am sad to say that I haven't been able to train the warriors in my absence, but Ral Percy and Bear took over for me while I was gone.

On the seventh day of Jackson's sickness his fever finally broke. Clara, Iver and I all sighed in relief when we had realized this because that meant that he was through the worst of it and it will only get better from here.

Jackson's POV

I could hear hazy voices around me but I couldn't yet force my eyes to open, all I could do was turn my head slightly and when I did the voices got louder for a second before it was only one voice talking. A warm hand settled on my cheek and a thumb started to rub soothing circles. Groaning lightly I tried to force my eyes to open again and I managed to crack them open but all I saw was a fuzzy silhouette of a face. I could barely make out their mouth moving and my ears slowly started to function again.

"Jackson? Can you hear me Jackson?" Mathis's voice was asking so I assumed that the person in front of me was Mathis. My vision focused after a second and a worried Mathis hovering over me greeted me.

"Mathis?" I croaked out before I started coughing. My throat was dry and scratchy.

Mathis called over his shoulder for Clara to bring him some water and a cup was placed at my lips and I drank greedily. Water trickled down my chin as I drank the cool liquid but Mathis's thumb wiped the drips away. Once I was finished with the water I looked up to Mathis who was smiling warmly at me, but I frowned when I saw his crooked and bruised nose.

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