Chapter 9: The Lo

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Guess who is fucking stupid and forgot to post a whole chapter?? Me!! Thats who!! So sorry for all of the confusion but here it is!!

The moment I removed myself from Mathis the children attacked him and he fell over playfully with a fake growl. The children growled back goodheartedly and Mathis went on to toss children up into the air, catch them, and then move on to another one to do something different for his attack. The children were relentless and Mathis didn't seem to mind as he gently knocked them over or grabbed one so he could attack their sides with tickles. Once they saw that the battle was futile they ran to me and tugged me in Mathis direction.

"Come on JackJack! We need your help! Commander Mathis is too strong!" They called seriously as if it was their mission to beat Mathis in this paly fight.

Giggling I let them drag me over and Mathis glanced over to me as he tossed another child into the air as he squealed in joy, "Not my greatest weakness!" he called in fake horror with his hand over his heart.

Since he was already on the ground with children all over him I stepped over him and placed my foot firmly, but not heavily, on his chest as the children attempted to pin him down. Mathis growled in play and grabbed my foot making me fall onto his chest, but once we made contact he rolled so he was over me and scooped me up as he quickly stood with a triumphant smile.

"I have caught the Omega Jackson! I am the winner!" Mathis cheered as he spun around with me in his arms.

Looking with mischief at the children he started to jog away and the children were quick to notice, "He's getting away with JackJack!" One called in horror, "We need to get him back!" They were quick to follow us and Mathis dodged them for a while before he let them surround us. "Give us JackJack!" they demanded.

Mathis seemed to think for a second before he looked to the children, "How about I'll let you say goodbye to him? You will all see him again, but we have to go now. If you behave and let me take Jackson then I will bring you all a hawk feather. How does that sound?" some of the kids looked hesitant and others outright refused, which warmed my heart. They didn't want to give me up.

One small boy strutted forward with his chest puffed out and faced Mathis with a confident look, "Commander Mathis, I have more Lo marks then you do! So I am stronger and JackJack has to stay with us!" he declared, making Mathis raise a brow at the boy.

"Oh? You do now?" he asked, "Well lets see."

The boy spun around to show us all of the small lines that he had drawn on his spine with a piece of charcoal. Some of them were bigger then others and one was thicker then the next, but he seemed to believe that we would buy it. Mathis chuckled as he set me on my feet and ruffled the boys hair.

"Good try Mo, but you need to be older to even receive your first Lo mark. Ok kids," he called louder, "Say goodbye," he called.

The children swarmed me as they each gave me a hug and asked if I would come to visit them again and after promising that I would they looked more appeased and waved their goodbyes happily. Mathis and I waved back and Mathis nodded to the Omegas watching over the children as we left the clearing hand in hand. We walked in happy silence for a while and Mathis was the first to break it.

"Do you want to know what I think is funny?" he asked as he glanced over to me.

"What?" I asked as I watched him curiously as I wondered what he was getting at.

"You can wield a blacksmith hammer like it is nothing, yet you do not think that you are capable of protecting yourself from another Omega who wanted to give you a hug," he teased me lightly as he shot a knowing look at me over his shoulder.

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