Chapter 20: Disconnecting

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Jackson's POV

When the loud 'begin' rang through the air the crowd went silent but looking around at all of them I could see the excited almost savage look in their eyes. It seemed like most of the crowd today consisted of warriors but there was also a fair showing of other clan members, including all of the blacksmiths and Clara. No noise was made as Fran and Marley slowly started to circle each other and I held myself from recoiling back when Marley started to ooze Alpha scent, trying to make Fran back down from instinct, but Fran just laughed at her.

"You are really dense if you think that that is going to work on me, now, let me see what you've got," she challenged as she spun her short sword. The white paint that she was wearing enhanced her features while making her look fierce at the same time.

Marley snarled and lunged forward with her sword and Fran was quick to parry with a flick of her wrist. With the first contact it was like a fire was sparked in the crowd and they started to pace, jump and scream in excitement as they watched the fight like caged animals that wanted to get into the action. Marley twisted her blade and jumped away from Fran only to go in strong again, and I think Fran underestimated her strength because she stumbled back a bit and Marley managed to knick her leg. Blood started to flow slowly from the cut and Marley smirked at Fran.

"If I were you I would back out now, wouldn't want to hurt a pretty Omega," Marley teased as she spun her long sword much like Fran had done.

Fran snarled and it was her who attacked next. She dished out a flurry of jabs and slashes that Marley barely managed to stay ahead of but Fran feinted one way and swung the other. Fran broke through Marley's defense and gave her a long cut up her arm that had Marley hissing in pain.

"If I were you I would back out now, I wouldn't want to hurt a pretty Alpha," Fran snapped back as she started to circle Marley.

They jumped at each other but Marley was a bit more weary now as she strategized more instead of just barreling in. They locked swords and Fran stomped on Marley's foot, and while the pain distracted Marley Fran twisted their blades and ripped Marley's weapon from her hand. It skittered towards the crowd and the near by people were quick to pick it up and hold it like a trophy as the screamed for Fran to finish it.

Fran pressed her blade to Marley's neck and Marley looked pissed, but she knew she was beat, "I con-" Marley started to snarl but she was cut off my Fran.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet," she smirked as she tossed her sword on the ground and kicked it towards the crowd who hesitantly picked it up.

Marley looked shocked as Fran held up her fists and brushed blonde hair behind her ear to get it out of her eyes. Marley got a serious look again and held up her fists and the two were back to circling each other again. Fran moved faster then Marley could keep up with and slugged her in the stomach before following up with a punch to the side, but Marley caught that one and hit Fran in the face. Fran stumbled back before knocking Marley's feet from under her. Fran kicked Marley's side before placing a foot down firmly on the center of Marley's back and efficiently pinning her down.

"Now I'm done with you," Fran hissed as she pushed with more pressure.

"I concede," Marley said a little breathlessly.

The crowd broke out into roars of cheers and Fran removed her foot from Marley's back as she allowed my sister to roll to her back. Marley propped herself up on her forearms as she looked bewildered at Fran, "Who are you?" she asked in astonishment.

"I'm Head Warrior Fran, and I will be your guard for the day," Fran said with a smirk and a small sarcastic bow and a sweep of her hands, "Now, I think your brother is going to have a heart attack if we don't get cleaned up," she said as she smiled at me.

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