Chapter 21: Leaving For Our Doom

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Jackson's POV

The days after the meeting were mostly a blur as the whole clan was rushing to get ready for the fight. Weapons were being made at an alarming rate and armor was being cranked out. Most of the meat was being salted and fruits were being packed along with nuts. Mathis never left my side and Den wasn't much better but Mathis was always sneaking small touches here and there. Brushing against my arm as I pulled together a chest plate, holding my hand as I scurried to get more salt, leaning against me as I made generic swords in the masses. I also made myself a small dagger that I could hide in my pelts that I could keep with me.

Two day's passed and it was time for Marley, Fran and I to leave. Mathis was a bundle of nerves, the same as me, as we hugged tightly and he had to hold himself back from scenting me again. Ral Percy placed a hand on his shoulder and my mate growled at his leader but hesitantly released me, making me let out a whine. He checked me over as I did to make sure that I had everything. I had replaced my warm and soft wolf pelt for the light and scratchy raccoon pelt and the small dagger was concealed within the folds. Even though it was starting to get cold my back and chest was bare because that is how it is done in Konek. Fran didn't have any of her usual weapons and her doeskin pelt was replaced with a patchy and old rabbit skin pelt and one over her chest too. I knew she had a weapon hidden on her too but I couldn't see it. 

Mathis gave me one last look before he pulled me back into a hug and I squeezed him back as I tried not to cry. I was so afraid, but I needed to do this. He pulled back and caressed my face before stepping away from me and to Ral Percy's side. Nio, Adia and Bear were also there along with Evelyn who was watching me with worry.

"We will be there soon, don't worry," Ral Percy tried to reassure me, "Stay strong and don't lose hope," he called with a wave before he clasped his hands behind his back.

Den sat at my feet with a disgruntled look and it took more work then it should have to get him to go with Mathis. After a few head rubs and soft words he crawled over to Mathis but never removed his eyes from me as he whined lowly and pinned his ears back as he ignored Mathis's hand on his head.

Fran and I nodded and with one last deep breath I turned away from the best home that I have ever known to face my sister and Fran. Marley gave me a small smile before she too turned and started leading Fran and I. I had been really out of it when Mathis brought me here and Fran had never been to Konek before so we relied on Marley to lead us. We ate the dried food as we traveled and I had to break up more then one fight between Fran and Marley. The two of them were just succeeding in making me more nervous then I already was. At the end of day four Marley took out two lengths of rope and bound Fran's and my wrists before she started to lead us along like that, like the slaves that we are going to be seen as. She told us that we were getting close to the clan, but I already knew that. I recognized where we were two days ago and have just been getting more and more nervous as we approached.

We were just walking through the outskirts of the Clan land when sounds of the clan started to flutter to my ears and I could feel myself paling. Fran pressed her side to mine in a reassuring way, so with a deep breath, I calmed myself down and lowered my head like the good Omega I was supposed to be. Fran we holding her head high and I nudged her as I told her to take up the position that I was in. She growled but followed my lead as we were pulled along behind Marley.

Exiting the trees we got the attention of a few warriors just lounging around and they ran up to us when they spotted the three of us, "What have you got there?" one of them sneered as he ran his finger up my jaw and I didn't dare move away.

"They are for Keller," Marley snapped at the other Alphas as she jerked on our ropes to get us to get closer to her, "And if you want to keep your hands you will tell me where I can find him."

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