Chapter 11: Tarac

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Since Mathis wasn't in the nest with me I tossed and turned as I struggled to get comfortable. I was able to slip into a light sleep a few times but every sound had me waking up in hopes that it was Mathis returning, but it was all just false alarms. Sighing in frustration I squirmed around for the hundredth time as I hunted for a good position, but it just eluded me. Pulling a soft pelt over my head as I lay on my stomach I forced myself to relax and slowly but surely I was falling asleep. The sound of shuffling came from the front room, making me remove the pelt over my head as I sniffed curiously, but I didn't pick up Mathis scent. Not hearing anything else I laid back down as I shifted around again. As I grumbled and wiggled the pelt was ripped from my grip and I glared as I whipped around to yell at, yet still welcome back, Mathis.

My breath caught in my throat as I came face to face with a large snarling wolf that was right in my face. Gasping softly I cowered back but it just took a step forward and shoved it's nose into the crook of my neck as it sniffed. Holding still in fear it snorted and pulled back as it growled louder and started pushing me with its body. Scrambling away from it more I whined in fear as I stumbled to my feet. It tried to circle me and I faced it the whole way as I reached slowly for my weapons, when I suddenly remembered that I had set them on the kitchen counter!

The wolf nipped at my legs and I jumped away from the sharp teeth. My eyes snapped to the door and looking back to the wolf and with another growl from it I was sprinting out of the door and towards the kitchen. With a burst of speed it cut me off with another growl as it crept close to the ground. Moving to the side to see if I could get around it moved with me as it kept its eyes trained on me in steady determination. Faking one way it shifted its weight and that gave me enough of an opportunity to slip around it. Making it to the kitchen I managed to grab my knife and I held it in front of me as the wolf snarled and paced. It seemed to know what the knife was because it was now wary and seemed more aggressive.

Still scared out of my mind and half asleep I slashed at the wolf, which jumped back and then jumped back at me before I could react. The wolves teeth sunk into my forearm as it continued to growl. Screaming in pain I couldn't help but drop the knife. The wolf drug me back into the front room before it released my arm and licked its lips before starting to growl again. Whimpering in pain and fear I clutched my injured hand to my chest as the wolf growled and snapped. Backing away from it I edged towards the front door and with a final nip from the large creature I was tumbling out of the hut. Turning to run again I ran right into someone's chest and a hand covered my mouth before I could speak.

More hands landed on me as my feet and hands were bound and a gag was forced into my mouth and tied in place. Kicking and struggling the person, I now saw was a man, heaved me over his shoulder and started to run off. After the man ran for a bit he stopped and tossed me onto the ground where I was shocked to see five other Omegas bound like I was, two of them being males and the other three females. A few looked murderous as they struggled against the restraints and the others just looked terrified, and I was with the terrified ones. Another man ran up and Evelyn was tossed next to me as she glared at the man who was carrying her, then she leaned into my side once she saw it was me. We were behind some large building and hid behind a row of thick bushes but other then that I couldn't see anything.

The man that had carried Evelyn was shaking his hand in pain and the one who had grabbed me looked at him in confusion, "What happened to you?" he asked lowly, as if he didn't want to be heard.

"That one there bit me," he hissed as he pointed to Evelyn, and Evelyn just glared back.

"Well this one pulled a knife on Cures here," the man said as he pointed to me and patted the head of the wolf that was sitting at his foot, "But you got him good, didn't you girl? Just like we trained you!" The wolf that had attacked me raised its head proudly at the attention.

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