Chapter 7: The Punishment

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*****Because I'm nice and I haven't posted in a while I will post twice in one day!! WOOOH!!*****

Jackson's POV

Waking up warm and comfortable was only something that I have experience once before, and that was when I was with Mathis in the forest. Letting my eyes flutter open I was happy to see Mathis's sleeping face in front of me as he had his arms wrapped around me securely. Looking at him like this with his face open and relaxed I could only marvel at how beautiful he really was. His pale skin almost shone in the dim light filtering into the room and the few scars that adorned his face only added to his charm and overall look. He had one thick one over his eye and another slivery one on his cheek that both spoke about him. He was a fighter, survivor and warrior in ways that I never could be.

Moving my hand away from where it laid on the nest I gently ran my fingers over the thick scar above his eye and I flinched a bit when his hand appeared and gently grabbed mine, then he maneuvered my hand and kissed my knuckles. Meeting his eyes he gave me a fond smile and kissed the next knuckle over.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked softly as he moved on to the next knuckle and gave it a light kiss.

Giggling, I allowed him to continue what he was doing, "I think I like that I'm seeing now," I said with a burst of confidence.

Smiling even wider then before he grasped my other hand and gave it the same treatment, but much gentler since it was my injure hand, then he moved to my face and pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose and I couldn't help but giggle at him. Alphas from my clan would never be caught dead doing anything like this with their Omega, and Mathis and I weren't even mated yet! He then kissed above both of my eyes and then at the corners of my mouth only to end up with his lips hovering over mine. His breath tickled my lips and I only hesitated for a second before leaning forward and connecting my lips with his. He was gentle as he slowly moved his lips against mine and I felt one of his hands slip to the back of my neck and the other was placed on my uninjured cheek as he held me close.

I allowed my hands to fly up and wrap around his neck and one hand tangled in his hair as we kissed. Never having kissed anyone before like this I didn't even know if what I was doing was what I was supposed to be doing, and as I dwelled on that though I suddenly froze and pulled away with a whimper. Mathis look immediately turned to worry, as he looked my face over for something his hands stayed where they were.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" he asked frantically as he eyes quickly snapped around my body.

"No, I'm fine," I assured him as I averted my gaze from him a bit.

"What happened then?" he asked in worry as his hand gently started to stroke the back of my neck, making my eyes flutter.

"I kissed you," I murmured as his hand worked on the back of my neck, "I wasn't supposed to kiss you, only you can kiss me. An Omega doesn't engage with this Alpha, the Alpha engages with the Omega. I kissed you without you kissing me," I clarified as I hid my face behind my arms.

To my confusion he chuckled slightly and kissed at my arms that were still hiding my face, "If I were you, I would forget all that your old clan taught you and just go on your instinct and do what you want to do. To be honest I would be more then pleased if you engaged with me and asked for contact like that. I know that I never would stop wanting to be with you but I will only do anything if you want it too," he said as I allowed him to pull my arms from my face.

My eyes brighten as I search his face to see if he's lying, "Really? Are you sure?" I asked in uncertainty.

He laughed again, and what an amazing sound it is, and stood up as he offered me a hand. Taking it he pulled me to my feet and into his chest, "I'm sure Little One."

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