Chapter 24: Colton and Rowan

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Jacksons POV

Fluttering my eyes open I saw I was face to face with Mathis, almost nose to nose with him and I could help myself from leaning over and kissing him on the nose but I made sure that I didn't crush the child. Looking down all my breath left me when I noticed that the child was gone, and looking around there was no sign of him in the room. Throwing my arm out I slapped Mathis roughly on the arm and he woke up with a start as he looked around for the threat. He focused on me when he saw me struggling to get up and he quickly got me to my feet as I blubbered in panic.

"He's gone! He's gone," I nearly cried and Mathis caught on quickly what was going on.

He held my hands as he helped me waddle out of our bedroom and I would have fallen to the floor with relief if Mathis wasn't right beside me. Our child was in the living room while he practically drowned in Den's fur as Den just rested on the ground with the child tucked against his stomach. He had an apple in his hands and was gnawing on it with fervor and both Mathis and I giggled at the sight. Mathis made a movement and our child's eyes snapped up and he froze as he noticed us. He tried to hide the apple behind him as he avoided his eyes and red crept up his face. It was like he was afraid that we were going to take it away from him.

Waddling up I scooped him up into my arms as I nuzzled into his hair and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my neck and burry his nose on my neck where the scent was the strongest. Mathis appeared in front of me as he looked us over fondly and held his hands out hesitantly towards our new son. Beaming, I gently pulled his arms off from around me and handed the boy over to my mate. I could tell the child was nervous with Mathis but he recognized him as the person who he imprinted on the other night, so he wasn't being clingy like he was with me but he also wasn't pushing Mathis away which seemed to make Mathis happy.

We eventually made our way to the kitchen where Mathis made a big pan of meat and eggs and when a big plate was put in front of our child he looked at Mathis like he was a second sun and before he even ate any of his food he jumped up and hugged his arms around Mathis's legs before running to me and wrapping his arms around my neck since I was sitting on the ground and pressed a kiss to my cheek before jumping back to his food and inhaling it. Mathis and I ate more slowly but we both couldn't hide the smiles splitting our faces.

As we ate I inquired to Mathis about what was on my mind last night, "Hey Mathis, what should we call him? I don't think he can talk so he cant tell us what name he had before, so what should we call him?"

"Well," he blushed as he pushed his food around and looked down at the ground. I gave him a gentle nudge of support and he continued on, "I was going to ask that is our child was a boy we name him after my father, but since we have him now I was hoping we could give him the name. My father was also a Forgotten Child like this one here but he came to great things. He has passed on now but I think it appropriate."

My eyes started to tear up at that and I wiped them quickly as I gave him another reassuring smile, "I think that is a lovely idea. What was your father's name?"


"That is a good strong name, I think he will bear it well."

Colton finished most of his food but his small stomach could only take so much, so as he sat back with his stomach extended again Den crept up to him and pinned his ears back as he looked pleadingly at Colton. Colton only hesitated for a second before pushing his plate to Den who happily cleaned up the rest. Colton took the chance and hesitantly patted Den's head and squealed with giggles as Den licked his fingers and face and I could tell that the two were going to be best friends.

Getting help to my feet again Mathis scooped up Colton who was now quick to steady himself with his arms around Mathis's neck. "Ready to go?" Mathis asked me and I rolled my neck and shoulders before hesitantly nodding yes.

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