3) The One Where The Past Meets The Present

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"Is this your house?" Fat Amy asked as they stood outside a front door. Beca didn't answer.

She simply knocked on the door. Her chest was tight, her fists knotted. This was it.

A beautiful blonde woman opened the door slowly, smiling at Beca in delight at the sight of her. The woman looked smart, like she hadn't long finished work herself. Her hair was in neat waves just past her shoulders, and her big blue eyes looked like that had seen enough of the world to last her a life time, while still managing to remain honest and genuine.

She took in Fat Amy, who was standing slightly behind Beca. She bit her lip thoughtfully and cocked her hip on one side. The overall impression seemed that Fat Amy was being summed up and judged on the spot.

"And who's this?" The woman asked smoothly, her eyes sliding away from Fat Amy and back towards Beca. Beca smiled, trying to suppress a grin, despite her inner anxieties.

"A friend," she said firmly. The woman raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Beca. Honey," she said in a knowing voice. "We both know I can count the amount of friends you have on one hand." She held up her right hand and waggled three fingers teasingly in Beca's direction. Beca laughed and pulled a face in mock offence.

"Hey! I have plenty of friends!" She cried, grinning. The woman made a 'mm-hm' noise and smirked.

There was a pause for a moment. Beca's grin slipped away.

"She's a college friend," she explained softly. A silent moment of understanding passed between the two women. Fat Amy remained utterly in the dark.

"Ah, I see," the woman said slowly. "Is she-"

"She was my roommate, and my best friend." Beca turned to look over her shoulder, shooting Fat Amy smile. "Fat Amy, this is my neighbour, Susan." Then she turned back to Susan, moving slightly aside so that Susan could see Fat Amy better. "Susan, this is Fat Amy."

Susan stared at Beca for a long time, her mind seeming to process the name she had just been told. Beca watched, smirking, knowing exactly what was going through her head.

"Fat Amy?" She asked, unsurely.

"Yeah," Beca and Fat Amy said in unison.

It looked like Susan was about to say something else, but she was interrupted by the pattering of feet behind the door. A small hand wrapped around it, pulling it out of Susan's hand. Susan stepped aside with a smile.

"Momma!" A little girl squealed, running out of the door and straight into Beca's open arms.

"Momma!?" Fat Amy yelped in shock.

Susan looked back at Fat Amy, turning her judgemental face back on. Beca didn't bother to respond, too busy concentrating on the little girl in her arms. Another little girl had appeared at the door and reached out to hold Susan's hand, she was almost the splitting image of the woman.

Eventually Beca broke her embrace with the girl in her arms and held her out at arms length to look her right in the eye. The little girl looked right back, pulling the same serious expression as Beca.

"How was school?" Beca asked, still looking serious, but there was a clear playfulness about it.

"Good, Momma," the girl replied, using the same tone. Beca grinned at her. "You're early today," the girl stated.

"Yeah, why is that, Bec's? You're never early," Susan added, raising her eyebrow again. Beca gave her a quick 'I'll-tell-you-later' look before turning back to the little girl.

"I wanted you to meet someone, kiddo," Beca said with a forced smile.

Fat Amy's jaw was still wide open in shock. The sight of Beca interacting with a child at all was scary enough - not to mention the use of the word 'Momma' from the little girl.

The girl peaked over Beca's shoulder to look at Fat Amy, a shy grin still plastered on her face. Beca spun around, still on crouched knees, to get a glimpse of Fat Amy's face. She was still twitching with anxiety, but Fat Amy's expression was priceless.

"Come on," she said, grabbing the girls hand. "Let's go home and I'll introduce you." She turned back to Susan. "See you tomorrow, Sues. Bye Alice!" Beca called out behind her. waving at her friend and little Alice.  Susan smiled and waved, winking.

"Good luck, Beca," she laughed and turned to go back inside. The blonde girl in front of her, Alice, just waved with a huge grin on her innocence face.

Beca walked across Susan's lawn and onto her own. She lived in the house next door; it looked identical from the outside in every way. All the houses along their road did. Every three houses were attached - Beca lived right in middle.

Once they were all inside, the little girl turned her big brown eyes on Fat Amy. She looked at Fat Amy for a moment, her head on one side to properly take in the strange woman in her house.

"Who are you?" She asked curiously.

"She's my friend from when I was in school," Beca answered, cutting in before Fat Amy could answer. "Her name's Fat Amy."

"Fat Amy," The girl repeated slowly. "I like that name. It's funny!" She giggled adorably, her eyes cringing up.

"Thanks," Fat Amy smiled. "And what's your name?"

"Beatrice," the girl replied. Beca placed a hand on the little girls head.

"Bee, did Aunt Susan feed you?" She asked, taking the girls attention again. Beatrice shook her head, causing her curls to bounce around her shoulders. "Why don't you go to the kitchen and I'll make you dinner, then I'll put a movie on?"

"Okay, Momma! Can Fat Amy stay for dinner?" Beatrice asked sweetly, turning her attention back onto the stranger in her house.

"If she wants to..." Beca replied nervously, shuffling from foot to foot from anxiety.

"I can confirm that she does want to." Fat Amy said, grinning. "Dinner in the Mitchell home. Awesome!"

Beca nodded slowly, not sure whether she was pleased or not. She gave them both a weak smile before leading the way to the kitchen.

"So, Beatrice, how old are you?" She heard Fat Amy ask her daughter from behind her. Beca held her breath, feeling like she was about to throw up on the spot. Her fingers grasped the kitchen counter as her head became dizzy and disoriented.

"I'm eight!" Beatrice exclaimed excitedly.


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