22) The One Where There's Baggage

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Beca groaned, turning over so that the glaring light was no longer in her face. She felt groggy and confused. There was only one thing she was certain of; this wasn't home.

Anxiously, she opened her eyes. They fixed onto stiff, white walls that towered down over her. She felt small.

"Oh God, oh God," she whispered worriedly. "I can't be here, not here..."

A sick feeling washed over her. She couldn't be in a hospital. They couldn't find out she was sick. Not now. Not ever.

Suddenly Beca froze. She could hear brisk footsteps clicking down the hall.

"Ah, Ms Mitchell," a man said as he glided into the room. "Nice to see you're awake."

Beca said nothing, simply fixing him with a blank stare. She had nothing to say to doctors.

"Do you remember anything that happened before you passed out?" The doctor pushed.

Beca shrugged, pulling herself weakly up into a sitting position. She tried to look anywhere but in his eyes.

"Er, well I remember sitting at my desk at work," she offered.

"Do you remember what you were doing?" He asked.

"My job," Beca shot back hotly.

"Alright," the doctor said in an attempt to calm her down. "Your boss found you passed out at your desk and called an ambulance. We rang your emergency contact but were unable to reach her."

Beca nodded, trying to absorb all the new information. Susan was her emergency contact and would be at work right about now. Assuming that it was the same day...

"Oh God, how long was I out for?" She asked anxiously, looking wildly around for a clock.

"A couple of hours," the doctor said. "Nothing to be worried about."

"No, you don't understand," Beca snapped. "What time is it?"

"Three o'clock," he replied.

"Three o'clock? I have to go!" Beca exclaimed, trying to get out of the bed. The doctor leaned forwards, pushing her shoulders back onto the pillows.

"I'm afraid we're not ready for you to go yet," he insisted.

"I have to go! My daughter's getting out of school soon, I'm supposed to pick her and my neighbor's child up," Beca protested.

"Well is there anybody else you can ask? Your neighbor perhaps?"

Beca explained about how Susan was her emergency contact and how she was working. Despite being told this, the doctor refused to release her before he was ready.

"Are you sure there's no one else you can ask?" He pushed, raising an eyebrow. "Family?"

"No," Beca sighed. Then she paused, realising that she was forgetting something. "Well, I guess there is one person..."

After making a few calls, Beca started to calm down again. The whole time the doctor watched her, appearing to size her up. Beca didn't like it.

"Have you ever experienced this before? Spontaneous passing out?" He asked. Beca shook her head. "You were off work last week, what was that about?"

"Just the flu," Beca lied. He didn't seem convinced.

These questions went on for an hour. By the time the hour was up, Beca was thoroughly fed up. She watched the seconds tick by. Tick, tick, tick. Until finally:

"Momma!" An excited voice yelled as a tiny figure flew through the door. Beca immediately opened up her arms.

"Hey, kiddo!" She chuckled, squeezing her daughter tightly. "How was school?"

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