39) The One Where It's Nice To Know You

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Beca sat on her sofa wrapped up in a soft blanket, laptop balanced on her knees. Despite her unstable mood and the fact that, technically, she had been given a week off for recovery, she still didn't want to get behind on her work.

Anyway, if she didn't keep herself busy Chloe might want to talk, and Beca certainly wasn't ready for that yet.

Chloe herself was sitting on Beca's windowsill, looking at the world outside, while she sipped a strong cup of coffee. Her cigarette packet was hanging slightly out of her pocket; it was all she could do not to light one. She only didn't because it wasn't her house. She didn't think Beca would want Beatrice coming home and breathing in all the nicotine.

Beca could see the packet from where she was sitting, but tried not to think about it. She could remember Chloe yelling at Aubrey for accepting a cigarette from a guy while drunk at a club one night. Chloe had been so against smoking back then. It seemed impossible that the woman in front of her was that same girl.

"Aubrey! What are you doing?" Chloe yelled, storming out of the doors of the club.

She stopped directly in front of Aubrey, who was standing with a group of guys, an unlit cigarette hanging from her teeth. One guy, the guy holding the rest of the pack, was about to light it for her.

"Don't you know how stupid smoking is? Are you really gonna do this right now?" Chloe raged, smacking the cigarette from her best friend's lips. "Don't be an idiot!"

"Hey! That was mine!" The guy protested. Chloe ignored him, turning her back on him. Her full attention was on Aubrey.

"Chloe, it's not a big deal. I'm just having some fun!" Aubrey cried drunkenly, pouting at Chloe.

Chloe was close to tears, the mixture of alcohol and emotions twisting around her stomach. She turned, grabbing the packet out of the guys hand. In one swift movement, the entire packet was in the gutter, rendering it completely useless.

Cries of anger arose from the group of guys. They immediately began advancing on Chloe. Again, she took no notice.

"It's a stupid thing to do and I never want you to go near one again. Okay?" She said, holding back tears.

Aubrey was too drunk to really follow the conversation. She was completely distracted by the angry guys surrounding them; especially the guy Chloe had taken the cigarettes from. His hand was raised aggressively above Chloe's head. Chloe remained oblivious.

"Hey! What the hell is going on?" Beca snapped, coming out of the club before the guy had a chance to knock Chloe senseless.

"What's it to you?" The guy growled at the tiny girl. Beca saw red.

"These girls are my friends," she said. "If you've got a problem with them, you've got a problem with me. Now what is going on?"

"This one owes me cigarettes." The guy said, pointing to Chloe, his finger an inch from her face.

Beca strutted down the steps of the club swiftly, grabbing Chloe's arm and tugging her away from him. Beca stood slightly in front of Chloe and Aubrey, keeping one girl on each side of her and a hand on both of their arms.

"They don't owe you anything. Now get lost and don't come near my friends again. Got it?" Beca pulled both the girls back towards the entrance, leaving the drunk guys angry and speechless behind her. "Come on, let's go."

Once back inside, Aubrey immediately danced off towards the other Bellas like nothing happened. Chloe however rushed off into the bathroom. Beca followed close behind.

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