32) The One Where There's An Intervention

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The Bellas all sat in Aubrey and Jesse's living room, an awkward silence filling the air. Jesse was pottering around making drinks for everyone, while Aubrey let them all in. She was trying to be as quiet as possible, and not just because the kids were asleep for their afternoon nap.

Almost all the Bellas had arrived, although none of them new why. Aubrey thanked them all for coming at such short notice, unable to stop her voice from shaking with anxiety. This worried everyone more than not knowing what was going on. Aubrey was usually so composed these days.

"Aubrey? You okay?" Cynthia-Rose asked, shooting her a questioning look. Aubrey nodded, brushing the question off.

Her eyes were firmly fixed on the road outside her window. She chewed her lip anxiously, as if waiting for something to happen. Jesse stood behind her, giving her waist a loving squeeze and kissing the side of her head. He whispered inaudible words into her ear before slipping away.

A car had pulled up outside.

"Okay," Aubrey said, trying to regain some composure. "So you're probably wondering why you're all here."

"Does it have anything to do with what happened the other night?" Stacie asked, hand slightly raised.

"And why Beca's suddenly here after, like, eight years?" Emily added, looking around at the group as if to check that it wasn't just her who was still not over seeing Beca that night.

"You bet it does," a voice said from the hallway. They turned around and grinned as Far Amy strolled into the room, trying to act confident.

"I'm sure you've all noticed," Aubrey continue. "That Chloe hasn't been herself lately..."

"Try eight years," Fat Amy butted in quickly. Aubrey rolled her eyes.

"Alright. And I'm sure you noticed that Beca's... changed... too. But I don't think it's for better," her voice cracked. "And I don't know what we can do about it. But I do know we have to do something."

"But what? Kidnap Beca and make her stay?" Stacie asked, only half sarcastically.

"I was kidnapped once. In the Philippines." Flo nodded. "It was awful."

"I can tie her up. I have some rope. And a knife." Lily whispered.

"No! No kidnapping!" Fat Amy protested.

"But isn't that why Beca's here? Didn't you kidnap her?" Cynthia-Rose pointed out.

"No!" Amy cried. "All I did was stalk her until I found her phone number. And her address. And then turned up near her house. And got her to meet me. And then kind of meddled in her life. And eventually persuade her to come back here. But that's it!"

Loud chatter rose up from the group. Everyone was confused and upset by what was going on. Nobody had solutions.

Aubrey groaned at the trainwreck this meeting was turning out to be. Hearing this, Jesse stepped in, putting a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Hey!" He called out. Nobody reacted. "HEY! Guys! Calm down a minute! Your friends are in pain and they need your help. So come on, who has ideas?"

The girls offered a few more useless ones that Aubrey and Fat Amy were quick to shoot down. This didn't inspire them to come up with any better ones.

"Come on, there must be something!" Aubrey cried.

"Well it would be a lot easier if we actually knew what was going on," Emily snapped. "You guys obviously know more than we do. How are we supposed to help if we don't know the whole story?"

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