17) The One Where There's Bonding

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Later that evening, Beca sat by the lake in the same place her and Chloe had fought. Their first fight actually.

All the other Bellas had gone to bed after "finding their sound". However Beca had been unable to sleep after the events of the day. She needed some alone time with her thoughts. She knew now more than ever that she had to tell Chloe about Jesse, the same way she should have told her earlier about the internship, but somehow she just couldn't. She knew it would hurt Chloe too much.

Suddenly from behind her she heard footsteps, causing her to snap her head around. She spotted Chloe walking over to her, still in her pyjamas just like Beca.

"What are you doing out here?" Chloe asked gently, walking up to her. "Everyone else has gone to bed."

"Just thinking," Beca shrugged.

"You've had a stressful day, you should sleep. I though you were feeling better," Chloe muttered, standing close against Beca's back.

"I can't sleep," Beca whispered simply.

"Maybe I can help with that. Again."

Chloe sat down behind Beca, wrapping her legs around Beca's own and her arms around back of her shoulders. She began brushing the back of Beca's hair back gently so that it was all on one side, leaving one half of her neck bear. Slowly she began kissing all along it, gently rubbing careful circles on the girl's pale skin. Beca shifted and tensed at the motion, unsure of how to react. She knew Chloe must still be mad at her, she had lied to her after all.

"Relax," Chloe said gently, as if reading Beca's mind. "It's okay, I'm not mad anymore. You've had a hard enough day, I can be mad tomorrow, " she winked teasingly. A pause fell over them. Beca was still unsure, not believing that she could be let off the hook that easily. Chloe sighed, realising this. "I just wish you'd told me, that's all..." She admitted softly, trying to hide her obvious hurt.

"I wanted to," Beca said quietly. "I know I should have... It just got too complicated, and I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin the Bellas for you. I know how much it means to you. It's your whole world. I'm sorry."

Chloe shifted gently, beginning to massage Beca's shoulders. She leant her head forwards, so that it was nearly touching Beca's own head. Beca could feel Chloe's calming breath twisting through her hair. It was all she could do not to quiver.

"Don't be sorry," Chloe breathed. "Just don't lie to me again," she winked flirtatiously. Beca smiled tensely and nodded.

"I'll try my best, Chlo," she promised, the words struggling to leave her mouth.

Inside her heart dropped her bottom of her stomach. She knew that she had already lied to Chloe, she was keeping a secret right now. But what was she supposed to do about it? She couldn't tell her, not yet. It was all too complicated. There were too many people involved, especially Jessie. He deserved so much more from her.

At that moment, Chloe bent her head down and placed her lips lightly against Beca's collarbone. The girl twisted Beca's wavy brown strands through her fingers as she did so, causing Beca to blush and shudder slightly. Chloe smiled against Beca, her eyes full of love. Beca winced, trying her best not to show it.

No, no she couldn't tell Chloe.

"Come in the water with me?" Chloe pleaded after a while, her mouth still against Beca's collarbone.

"Dude, no!" Beca exclaimed. "We'll get out pyjamas wet."

"I didn't mean in our pyjamas," Chloe winked, standing up.

Seductively Chloe stripped from her pyjamas, dropping them on the floor. Beca's mouth dropped open. She had seen Chloe naked before; once in the shower during her first month at Barden and quite a few times over the years when Chloe had lazily got changed in front of Beca, never one to be modest. But this time was different. This time Chloe wasn't naked in front of Beca, she was naked for Beca.

Chloe then proceeded to dance daintily backwards into the lake, keeping her eye contact with Beca the whole time. Her body glistened under the moonlight that was reflected off the water. Beca had never seen anyone so beautiful in her whole life.

Chloe motioned Beca to come in with her finger, biting her lip cheekily. Beca shook her head, mumbling about just wanting to watch, but she could already feel herself weakening. Chloe clearly knew this. She began splashing water over herself, letting it drip down her. But she never went in further than just below her hips, giving Beca a clear view of most of her body. It was more than Beca could bear.

With a reluctant groan, Beca got up and also began pulling her pyjama's off. Chloe cheered and clapped, obviously pleased with her handy work. There was a mischievous glint in her eye as she waited expectantly for Beca.

Beca was less sexy than Chloe had been while stripping down. Whereas Chloe had let her clothes drop carefully at her feet, Beca threw hers around her messily. And while Chloe had looked directly at Beca the whole time, Beca was trying her very best not to look at Chloe. When Chloe had entered the water she had waved her body in time to imaginary music, but Beca waded in frustratedly due to knowing that she had lost their battle quite amazingly.

Once Beca reached Chloe, who had waded in up to her shoulders in the time it had taken Beca to get there, Chloe jumped up and threw her arms around the girls neck. Beca squealed, flapping her arms around in slight panic. This caused Chloe to cackle with laughter again.

"You came!" She cheered, hanging off of Beca's neck. Beca spluttered due to the water, trying to push Chloe off.

"Careful! I'm only 5"2, you know!" She said, keeping her arms out to make sure she didn't go under. Chloe rolled her eyes at Beca's dramatics.

"And I'm only 5"3, and I can stand up," she retorted, smirking at Beca.

"Well then why don't you?" Beca demanded, nodding downwards. Chloe had wrapped her legs around Beca's thighs and had her arms around Beca's neck. She leant in closer towards Beca, searching her eyes.

"Because I want to be closer to you," she said lightly.

"We're naked in a lake together, Chloe. How much closer can we get?" Beca teased, smiling at Chloe's silliness. Chloe put her face against Beca's ear, her lips pushing against it.

"I'll show you," she whispered. Beca froze, feeling Chloe's hands beginning to wander.

"Chloe-" Beca began, but stopped short as she felt a moan bubble up inside her.

"Yes?" Chloe asked softly, stopping immediately. Beca knew what she was doing. She was waiting for Beca's consent. One word and this would stop. It would be the right thing to do. Beca knew that.


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