37) The One Where We're Okay

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Beca woke up the next morning feeling like she'd been hit by a bus. She lay there, her whole body aching, trying hard to remember why she felt so awful.

And then it hit her.




Beca sat up like she had been blasted by an electric current. She swiftly hopped out of bed and rushed down the corridor. Swinging around the doorframe, she skidded to a stop at Beca's room. The little girl was fast asleep.

Relief flowed over Beca, finally allowing her to breathe again. Her little girl was safe. All was well.

With an exhausted sigh, filled with too little sleep and too much stress, Beca trudged down stairs to the kitchen. As she was pulling out what she hoped were the ingredients for pancakes, she noticed a note on the kitchen table.

Yo, Big B. M and co.,
I've gone out for the day to tie up some loose ends. See you later - don't wait up ;)
Fat Amy
(aka The Hot One)

Beca chuckled, tossing the note to the side. She had a feeling she knew exactly where Fat Amy had gone. And who was currently, spontaneously, in town on a freak visit.

"Good for her," she thought, pleased not only for Fat Amy, but at the thought of some quiet time for once.

Beca began humming softly to herself, making breakfast. She was so wrapped up in trying to get it right, that she didn't hear anyone enter the room.

"You're humming One Last Time, right?" A voice said softly. "Like at the riff off?"

Beca spun around, spilling hot pancake batter all over the floor and herself.

"Oh shoot!" She cried, wiping herself down as she turned bright red.

"Sorry!" Chloe cried, reaching out awkwardly before stepping back again. She didn't know if Beca would want her help.

"No, no it's okay," Beca said, trying to remain cool. "I didn't know you were still here. That's all. It's fine."

Chloe bit her lip, looking around at the mess. She reached over to chuck Beca a towel. Beca caught it easily and began to clean up the mess. Chloe grabbed one too, bending down reluctantly to help.

"So the song," Chloe continue once the silence became too much. "Since when have you been into Ariana Grande?"

"Uh, I'm not really... It's really just that one song..." Beca mumbled, hiding her face behind her hair. "I just, I don't know... Like it?"

"It's... nice..." Chloe allowed, shifting slightly away from Beca.

Beca nodded, trying not to look at her. She scrubbed too hard on the floor until her hands were red and hurting. She still didn't stop. If she did she was afraid her heart would give out.

Chloe was gently moving her own towel in slow circles, staying in the same place. The rhythm kept her calm. She synced her breathing to it, letting the repetition take over.

Beca scrubbed harder, despite the now lack of mess. She scrubbed so hard, her hand knocked against Chloe's. Chloe was immediately snapped out of her daze and turned quickly to look at Beca. Beca's mouth was open in shock.

"I-I sorry," she said hurriedly.

"It's fine," Chloe said, her voice soft.

Beca had expected Chloe to be mad - like she had been last night, and every other time they'd met other the last few days. She didn't know what to do with this Chloe. A Chloe who was almost like the old Chloe.

"Why are you still here, Chloe?" Beca asked, her voice shaking. Chloe was taken aback at Beca's sudden bluntness.

"Susan asked me to stay..." she stuttered. "I was going to go-"

"It's fine," Beca said, cutting Chloe off. "Forget it. I just needed to know."

Chloe looked at Beca curiously. She took in the woman's disappointed eyes, her drooping mouth, her hunched body. Then it struck her.

"Did you think I wanted to stay?" She asked in shock.

"N-no," Beca stammered.

"Beca, just because you're having a hard time right now doesn't change anything. It doesn't change how I feel. Or what you put me through." Chloe said matter-of-factly.

"I know," Beca whispered. "I just thought, maybe... You chose to stay..."

Chloe sighed, sitting back on her heels. Beca stayed hunched over, barely glancing up at Chloe.

"I'm booking a flight out for this afternoon," Chloe sighed. "I need to go home."

Beca's head snapped up, panic in her eyes. Chloe was surprised by this reaction. Did Beca want her to go or not?

"No, don't!" Beca said desperately. "Stay a little bit longer."

"Why, Beca?" Chloe asked sadly. "I've seen what I came here to see. I met your daughter. I'm done now."

"No, you haven't! Not really!" Beca said. "She was gone for most of it."

Chloe didn't answer. Beca had a point there. But Beca could see in Chloe's eyes that it didn't change anything. The woman's mind was made up.

"Can't you wait?" Beca whispered. "Don't make any decisions yet. Please?"

Chloe started shaking her head. She looked away from Beca, who was growing increasingly more hysterical.

"I've got the week off work!" Beca rushed. "You could stay."

"Beca-" Chloe protested, her voice becoming exhausted with the woman. But this only made Beca more desperate.

"Until I get back from taking Beatrice to school then?" She begged. Chloe said nothing, looking helpless. Beca pounced on the opportunity. "Just don't do anything until I get back back?" Beca looked up at the clock. "I have to go soon. Don't leave it like this."

Chloe sighed, getting up off the floor. Beca watched her carefully, afraid that Chloe would walk out there and then. But Chloe was too tired - 8 years too tired.

Instead, Chloe reached up over Beca's head and turned off the stove - which had been left on after the pancake incident.

"Okay," she whispered, leaving the room.

Beca let out a sigh of relief. Her body uncurled against the side of her kitchen island.


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