25) The One Where It's Time

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Beca stood outside the airport, clutching her bags for dear life. Fat Amy was off getting them a taxi, leaving her to feel totally isolated.

Beca's eyes were blurry and she knew she was swaying slightly from side to side. There was an undeniable feeling of doom in the air, and Beca couldn't help but feel that she was the reason.

Fat Amy waltzed back over to her, a grin on her face. She was babbling away about how exciting the whole thing was, ignoring Beca's stress. Slowly, Amy's confidence started to have a calming affect. That was, until the taxi turned up.

"Okay, off you go!" Fat Amy grinned, passing a piece of paper and some money into the drivers hand. "The address is there," she smiled.

"Wait what?" Beca snapped. "Aren't you coming?"

"Aren't I coming to watch you and Chloe snog each others faces off during your messy reunion? No, of course not," Fat Amy winked, snatching Beca's bags off her before pushing Beca inside and slamming the door shut.

"What? What snogging? Amy!" Beca yelled.

"Bye, Beca!" Fat Amy waved, a huge grin on her face. "I'll see you later."

"Amy! AMY!" BECA screamed, banging on the windows. But it was no use. The taxi driver pulled away, leaving a thrilled Fat Amy behind and Beca feeling completely alone all over again.

"I can't do this," she whispered fearfully. "I can't do this..."

But she had to. And it wasn't long before it was time.

The taxi stopped on a quiet suburban street, full of identical looking houses all sitting in a neat row. It was like looking at a scene from a movie, so far away from Beca's bustling city life back home in LA.

The house the taxi stopped in front of looked like every other house. Same flower boxes attached under the same whitewashed windows, which framed the same red doors. Chloe seemed to be doing well for herself. This house looked nicer than Beca's for sure. In fact it looked perfect.

"Figures," Beca muttered almost bitterly.

She stood on the sidewalk shuffling her feet. Behind her the taxi sped away, having done its job. But Beca wasn't ready to move yet. She wasn't ready to see what was behind that door.

"I can't," she choked out desperately. "I can't. I never could..."

She thought about how many times she had tried to text. Tried to call. Tried to do something. But she never had. She had never had the strength. Here was an opportunity right in front of her. All she had to do was take it.

"Please take it," she whispered to herself. "Please."

Screwing her hands up into painful fists, she forced herself up the path towards the blinding door. Forced herself to stand on the welcome mat. Forced herself to take a breath.

Knock, knock, knock.

She had knocked before she had even realised she was doing it. Something pulling her towards the door. Something uncontrollable.

It felt like an eternity before she heard footsteps from the other side. An eternity before she heard the lock click. Before the door opened a crack. And then a bit more.

"Hello," a familiar voice said, their face covered in shadow. "How can I help- Oh my God."

Beca froze. Her mouth was sandpaper. Her eyes were glass. Her body was rigid.

There she was.


"Beca?" Chloe said in astonishment, clutching the door. "What- what are you doing here?"

Chloe stood there in a beige cardigan over a faded blue t-shirt and jeans. Beige ballet slippers covered her pale feet and her face was makeup free. Her ginger hair was limply tied in a plait over one shoulder, parts of it falling out of place. But she didn't seem to care.

Beca stared at her, open mouthed. This was Chloe? She had never seen Chloe wear beige in her life. This woman in front of her, with her chalky cheeks and dull eyes simply couldn't be her Chloe.

"Beca, what are you doing here?" Chloe snapped, trying to regain some composure. Her delicate hands rested on her protruding hips.

"I just, er," Beca stammered. "Wanted to say, hi..." She looked meekly up at Chloe, shrugging. Chloe stared at her in horror.

"Hi? You wanted to say 'hi'?" She repeated slowly. "I mean sure, why not? It's only been, like what, seven, eight years? Why wouldn't you want to drop by unannounced just to say hi?" Sarcasm dripped from Chloe's lips. Her eyes starred right into Beca's soul as she looked her up and down, her face set into a permanent asked. "What do you want Beca?" She said bluntly.

Beca shifted uncomfortably, twiddling​ her hands. What did she want? Because it certainly wasn't this. This wasn't how she had planned it at all. Although come to think of it, she hasn't actually planned anything, Amy had.

"I," she began, trying to sound brighter. It didn't last long. "I...don't know..."

"You don't know? Right, of course," Chloe sighted, running a hand through​ her hair. "Well then if that's all, I really have to go."

Chloe shook her head, backing away from the door. She started to pull it closed, an attachment to lock the past out of her life.

Fear coursed through Beca. Not again. She couldn't let Chloe get away again. She hadn't even said anything​ yet.

"Wait!" She cried, grabbing the door and pushing it open.

Chloe looked at her angrily but said nothing. It was Beca's turn to speak. She wouldn't be helping the woman out this time, she had stopped doing that a long time ago.

"Wait. Please," Beca said brokenly. "Just wait..."

"For what, Beca? For you?" Chloe asked exhaustedly. "It's a bit late for that, don't you think?"

Beca looked at her silently. Chloe was right, she was too late.

"I don't know," she whispered. "I just...wanted to see you..."

"You've seen me. Happy now?"

"No," Beca said, on the verge of tears. She was shaking on the spot, but Chloe pretended not to notice.

"Not what you were expecting?" She asked bitterly. "Life never is, Beca."

"That's not it," Beca said.

"Then what is it? Because I can't stand around out here all day waiting for you to spit it out. You might not have a life, Beca, but I do." The anger was evident in her voice. But her eyes showed something else; pain.

Beca watched her, feeling like her heart was breaking all over again.

"Chloe, I-" she tried again. Her voice cut off, breaking with emotion.

"You know what, I don't have time for this," Chloe snapped. "Goodbye, Beca."

The door slammed shut before Beca could even speak. She stared at the door, sobs choking out of her. She mouthed the word 'wait' over and over again, but it was no use. She simply couldn't make the sound come out.

Beca slumped to the floor, her body curled around Chloe's front step. And there she stayed; a fragile, broken mess.

All over again.

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