36) The One Where There's Panic

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Chloe sat awkwardly on one end of Beca's sofa, trying not to look at her ex-girlfriend. Beca was sobbing hysterically in a ball at the other end, hardly noticing that Chloe was there. Chloe shuffled her feet uncomfortably. This wasn't how she'd planned the evening at all.

Then again, how exactly could she have seen this coming? Meeting your ex-girlfriend's secret daughter, who is so horrified to meet you that she runs away is pretty obscure.

Beca's breathing was getting faster and faster. It came out in desperate chokes that fought through her lungs only to get caught up in her throat, causing her to splutter painfully. Her hands shook as she clutched her neck.

Fear whispered tauntingly in her ear, screaming that she couldn't breathe. Beatrice was gone and Beca was going to die. The thought washed over her brain, drowning her.

"Beca? Beca!" Chloe cried suddenly, grasping the girls arm. "Beca, you're not breathing! Breathe, Beca!"

Beca took a strained gulp of her, her body shuddering. Chloe gripped her tightly, giving her a rough shake.

"For god's sake, Beca, breathe!" She snapped. But it was fear in her voice now, not anger.

Her worried blue eyes found Beca's. Chloe forced herself to breathe calmly, then yanked Beca's hand onto her chest. She held it there firmly, keeping their eyes locked.

"Like me. Okay? Breathe..." She whispered. "Breathe..."

Beca let her breaths come out slowly, keeping time to Chloe's. It had been a long time since she had felt the girl's heartbeat. It made her own heart ache painfully. But the pain was, for once, welcome. It reminded her that she was still alive. She wasn't going to die. She was fine.

"Thank you," she said faintly. Chloe immediately dropped Beca's hand immediately.

"There. Better?" She said gruffly, looking away.

"Yes." Beca muttered, suddenly shy again. "Sorry."

"Forget about it. It was just a panic attack. We all have them." Chloe said.

"No, we don't..." Beca whispered, barely loud enough for Chloe to hear. Chloe didn't answer.

They sat silently for a while. Beca hoped that if she stayed quiet enough, she would be able to hear Chloe's heart beat. It was a stupid thought, but it was the distraction Beca needed to keep herself calm.

Hot tears streamed down her face. Sobs choked out of her body, only punctuated by screams. The room was too hot, too sticky, for confort. The only feeling in the whole world in that moment was fear.

Footsteps rushed closer, coming from somewhere far away. A door was pushed open. Cold hands on hot skin. A desperate voice, deafeningly close.

"Wake up! Wake up, Chloe! It's just a dream! Chloe, wake up!"


Chloe Beale sat bolt upright in bed, panting for breath. Her watery blue eyes were filled with terror as she searched the room.

"Chloe, it's me. Aubrey..."

Her eyes met her best friend's. Aubrey's face was filled with anxiety at the sight of the mess Chloe was in. Sadness tinted her edges, but one fact remained: Aubrey was used to this.

"It's just me, Chloe. Beca's not hear. Remember? It was just a bad dream..." She said, knowing it wouldn't do any good.

A gut wrenching sob shook out of Chloe. Her small frame rocked backwards and forwards from the impact, causing it to quiver worryingly. Chloe's breath got more and more ragged as her horrible reality set in.

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