12) The One Where They're Children Again

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Beca and Chloe swung gently backwards and forwards. Both their heads were tipped up towards the stars. Beca had followed Chloe's lead, as usual.

"You know, I dressed up for tonight," Beca sighed, breaking the silence. She pulled a tissue out of her pocket and began trying to rub off the minimal makeup she had applied, before pulling the pins out of her hair. She let it fall limply down her shoulders, a clear sign that she had given up on redirecting her evening.

"I can see that," Chloe laughed. "You're even wearing a bra! After 7:30!"

"Shut up!" Beca cried, slapping her friend from her swing. Chloe dodged her and kicked her feet hard against the ground, bringing her further away from Beca and closer to the sky.

"Hey, Beca?" She said softly.

"Yeah, Chlo?" Beca replied, looking up at her friend.

"I'm sorry your date didn't work out so well." Chloe said, shooting Beca a supportive smile.

"It's okay," Beca shrugged. "It happens. Especially at the moment..." Her voice trailed away and her shoulders sagged. She looked defeated.

Chloe stopped swinging, looking hard at Beca. Beca looked away awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Chloe could always see right through her.

"Beca, are you okay? What do you mean? Are you and Jesse having problems?" She asked, concerned.

"No, no," Beca brushed it off. "Jesse's just upset because apparently he never sees me anymore. And when he does, all we do is fight."

"Well nobody sees you much anymore, not just him." Chloe pointed out with a shrug, trying to act like it didn't bother her much.

"I've been busy," Beca defended, trying to keep her cool. She didn't want to fight with Chloe too - especially not Chloe. "What with school and the Bellas and wo-...working out... I haven't had much free time."

Beca chewed her lip nervously, praying that Chloe hadn't noticed her coverup. She still hadn't brought herself to tell Chloe about her new job. That would definitely cause friction.

"You've just got a lot on your plate at the moment," Chloe soothed. "Jesse should understand that, he knows how hard you work. Anyway he shouldn't be spending the time he does have with you arguing. He should be making every moment special."

Beca laughed, rolling her eyes at Chloe's sappy comment. She knew that they had very different ideas about what relationships were like. Beca liked to think of herself as a realist; she understood that not all relationships were butterflies and rainbows, like in Chloe's mind.

"Here," Chloe said, standing up in one easy movement. "You look tense. Let me give you a back rub."

"No, Chloe, I'm fine!" Beca tried to wriggle away, squealing as she felt Chloe's hands clamp over her shoulders. "Stop! I don't need a back rub!"

"Sure you do," Chloe laughed. "You're muscles are so tight! Let me fix it."

Beca groaned and once again admitted defeat, everyone knew there was no winning with Chloe. Chloe sensed this immediately, giving a little hop of joy at her win.

Eventually Beca felt her shoulders relax and she subconsciously let herself lean into Chloe. Chloe didn't respond and kept kneeding Beca's knots out. She rubbed all down the girl's back and up to her neck, humming softly as she did so.

The feeling was so nice and the mood was so perfect, that Beca almost felt content - despite how awful she had been feeling just a few moments before. A shudder ran up her spine, Chloe's fingers pushing it methodically.

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