33) The One Where It's Time

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Beca put the key in the the lock of her house nervously, Chloe following judgmentally behind her. Fat Amy had gone on ahead to tell Susan what was going on and to bring Beatrice home to Beca's home, leaving Beca and Chloe abandoned alone in baggage claim together.

Beca hadn't wanted Susan round when Beatrice was introduced to Chloe - not because Beca didn't trust her friend, but because it would involve Alice going as well and she was simply too young for what could potentially be a very tense meeting. Plus Chloe and Beatrice didn't need an audience. This was going to be hard enough for them.

Beca and Chloe hadn't said one word together on the journey to LA. In fact Fat Amy had sat between them due to the high level of anxiety coming from Beca and dangerous dislike coming from Chloe. Chloe clearly hadn't forgiven Beca and it would need a miracle for that to change. Beca just hoped that her daughter would be that miracle.

"Okay," Beca said warily. "Are you ready? This might come as a bit of a shock." Chloe rolled her eyes sarcastically, glaring at Beca.

"Then you should have told me back in Georgia, Beca. It's a bit late to be having second thoughts now, don't ya think?" She spat back, hands on hips. Beca flinched, not used to this new unhappy Chloe.

"It's just hard to explain," she replied weakly. "I've told you that. I just think it would be simpler to show you. You know I'm not good with words."

"So you've shown." Chloe growled, looking away.

Beca sighed, trying to stop herself from shaking. This was it. The two people she loved the most in her life were about to meet. And she felt sick.

The door clicked open and Beca pushed it wide enough for them both to enter. Chloe stood in the doorway but didn't take another step further. She did not want to be in Beca Mitchell's home. See the life Beca was living without her in it. It was just too painful.

"Well?" She snapped again, looking around. Beca held up a hand behind her, shushing Chloe. Chloe's blood boiled at that. Her body bristled, ready to start yelling.

But then Beca spoke.

"I'm home!" She called out, still standing in the corridor. Fat Amy appeared from the entrance to the living room and nodded towards the stairs, which were located directly in front of Beca and Chloe.

Beca bit her lip hard. This was it.

Suddenly there was the sound of running feet from the landing. Two pink socked toes could be seen as they rounded the corner on the stairs, revealing an excited looking Beatrice. Her face was the epitome of happiness at the sight of her mother.

Beca heard an audible gasp from behind her.

"Momma!" Beatrice screamed, rushing down the stairs before flying into Beca's already open arms. "I missed you!"

Beca laughed, her anxiety temporarily fading away as she squeezed her little girl tightly, rocking her gently as she did so. Beatrice nuzzled her face hard into Beca's neck and hair, uninterested in anything but her mom's embrace.

Reluctantly, Beca put her down. She crouched to Beatrice's level to look her in the eye. She tried her best to just focus on her daughter. The thought of Chloe behind her too much to bare.

"You okay whilst I was gone, kiddo?" She asked, smiling. Beatrice nodded, grinning and opened her mouth to start telling Beca about what she had done that day.

"I'm sorry, what the hell is this?" Chloe's voice interrupted, rising to a near hysterically volume.

Beca winced, holding onto Beatrice's arms tightly, but didn't turn around. Beatrice strained to see behind Beca, wanting to know who this new voice belonged to. Beca held her firmly in place.

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