16) The One Where There's Fighting

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Beca slouched against the side of the Bella Bus, her mood at rock bottom. She couldn't believe that Chloe had persuaded her to drop everything - including her internship, not that Chloe knew that - to go on some bonding exercise.

"Aren't we bonded enough?" Beca had groaned, leaning her head against Chloe's bare shoulder as they lay in the other girls bed, tangled up in her brightly coloured sheets.

Chloe giggled up at Beca, twiddling her hair between her fingertips with one hand while tracing circles on Beca's chest with the other.

"No," she insisted. "Not in an acapella way. Maybe in... other ways..."

Chloe rolled over so that her body was on top on Beca's, holding herself up so that she was hovering just above her. She let her lips teasingly run across Beca's, smirking as Beca became more and more frustrated.

"Please," Chloe whined. "Please. For me."

"Ugh, fine." Beca groaned, looking up at the ceiling in despair. Chloe squealed.

"Yay!" She cheered. "You may have your kiss now." She dropped herself down lower onto Beca, pecking her lovingly on the lips.

Beca rolled her eyes at the memory. What was it Amy had called her that morning?

Oh yes; "Beca, you are so wiped," had been her exact words.

Now Chloe was sitting excitedly beside Beca practically jumping up and down. She hadn't told anyone exactly where they were going, but she obviously couldn't wait.

Beca was less than pleased when she herself found out. The initial joy of seeing Aubrey again soon wore off when she discovered exactly what they would be doing. Bonding excercises. Water. Bugs. Tents! All things Beca did not appreciate. She was skipping work for this? No way!

But she was, and there was nothing she could do about it. And it made Chloe happy, that was the important part. At least, that was what Beca tried to tell herself.

However, it didn't improve as the day stretched on. And by the end of the next day, her mood was just as foul. They had been doing ridiculous activities, slept in a tent and sang stupid songs. Why on earth were they still there?

"Okay, that was two steps away from being almost fine," Aubrey said eventually.

Beca felt her blood start to boil. Almost fine? They had work nonstop on her stupid programme and it was 'almost fine'?

"Sorry, what are we doing?" She snapped.

"We're rediscovering our sound," Chloe replied, trying her best to remain patient.

"Are we? 'Cause it feels like we're just singing songs that would never go in our set," she pointed out sarcastically.

"Beca, come on," Chloe begged, while keeping her authority.

"No, none of us know how to beat Das Sound Machine, but I know it's not gonna be by doing this," Beca finally put her foot down.

"This is just an exercise in finding harmony, Beca. Sometimes you have to break things down before you can build them back up again-" Aubrey calmly explained.

"I've got more important things to do!" Beca yelled, cutting her off.

"Okay..." The other girls started to fade away, leaving Beca and Chloe to fight it out.

"What could be more important than this?" Chloe gasped, exasperated with Beca's behaviour.

"Nothing. Forget it," Beca replied, defeatedly. She didn't want to have this conversation. Not now.

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