23) The One Where There Are Decisions Are Made

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Beca, Fat Amy and Susan all sat around Beca's kitchen table discussing Beca's episode from the previous day, while the kids played upstairs out of the way. Fat Amy was worried about Beca, not used to seeing her friend so vulnerable all the time. Susan, having only known Beca after the Bellas, didn't have the same concerns.

"I just don't think she should go on like this," Fat Amy argued. "It's not healthy!"

"I agree, but what else is she supposed to do? It's not like she'll go to a therapist," Susan shot back, rolling her eyes. "She's too afraid they'll take her kid away."

Fat Amy scowled, crossing her arms. Susan's clear disregard for Amy's ideas was starting to get on her nerves. She lent back in her chair, rocking on it slightly. Susan's frown seemed to get deeper - if that was even possible.

"What about family? Couldn't they help out?" Fat Amy suggested optimistically. She remembered how much Beca's dad had been around in their college days. He had been very invested in his daughter's future.

"Do you see any family around here?" Susan snapped. "No. It's just us. And it's been that way as long as I've known her."

"Well she was a lot better when I knew her," Amy muttered resentfully.

Sudan sat forwards, slamming her palms against the table. Her voice was firm, challenging. Her eyes were slits.

"Hey, where have you been for the past eight years?" She practically yelled.

The two girls got louder and louder, while their squabbling got more and more out of control. Red faces leaning over the little circular wooden table. Susan's hands lay flat; Fat Amy's fists became clenched. Yet they looked rather alike in that moment.

Meanwhile, seated on either side of them, Beca tried desperately hard not to freak out. The raised voice was starting to panic her. No rational thinking was calming Beca down. She tried to get their attention, waving her hands in front of their faces.

"Guys," she reasoned calmly, only to be completely ignored. "Guys? Hey! Guys! ENOUGH!" She yelled, slamming her hands down on the table in between their own. "I am sitting right here, you know!"

Their was a pause. Susan was almost panting, while Fat Amy was speechless. Slowly the two girls guiltily looked over to Beca. Fat Amy smiled sheepishly. Beca rolled her eyes, sighing at them.

"You guys fighting isn't going to help," she said, exhausted. Susan shot her a comforting half-smile.

"We just want what's best for you," she apologised, putting a hand on Beca's arm. Beca smiled, quickly forgiving them. She was way past holding grudges.

The three women fell into an almost comfortable silence. Beca felt her heart rate slow down to a normal rate. The yelling had stopped and her friends had stopped giving each other death glares. That was enough for Beca.

"Beca," Fat Amy said carefully, breaking the momentary quiet. "Why aren't your family around anymore?"

Beca paused, looking at the ground. Susan squeezed her arm supportingly. This wasn't something Beca ever usually talked about.

"You don't have to tell her, Becs," she said gently. "It's okay."

"No, I-I don't mind," Beca shrugged. "It's not even an interesting story. I cut them out, that's all. I sent my parents a text saying I was moving away for a while, changed my number and just...left..."

"But why?" Fat Amy gasped.

"I was embarrassed," Beca admitted. "I didn't want them to know the truth. That I was pregnant with some guy I didn't even know. That I was moving away because I'm in love with some other girl..."

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