19) The One Where The Mistake Is Made

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Beca sat alone on the field where the audience had been standing just a few hours ago. She was sitting with her knees up at her chest, clutching them tightly. Silently she sobbed into them, wondering what her life had become.

She tried to remember a time in her life before all of this confusion. A time when she had just been Beca Mitchell. Not Jesse's Girlfriend. Or Chloe's...whatever she was.

All Beca could feel was the churning in her stomach, causing her to feel sick and dizzy. But there was no one there to distract her. No one to cheer her up or look after her. She was all alone. Just like she deserved.

Or so she thought.

"Hi," a voice called out to her from across the fields.

Beca turned around and spotted a guy walking towards her. He was wearing dirty jeans with a dirty t-shirt to match. But most importantly, he was holding a box of beer bottles and two tacos. Two things Beca never turned down.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here at this time of night?" He asked as he approached her, coming to stand just behind her. Beca shrugged.

"Just thinking," she said.

"It's been almost three hours," the guy pointed out, dropping himself down beside her. "Nobody thinks for that long."

"Maybe you don't," Beca snapped back. "But I do." She turned away from him in annoyance. So what if he had beer and tacos? He was clearly a jerk.

Suddenly a thought struck her. She spun around again, her eyes full of fury and her fists clenched. He looked at her warily, getting ready to get back up again.

"Hey, how do you know how long I've been here? Have you been watching me? You creep!" Beca cried, causing him to raise his hands in surrender.

"Hold on!" He said in defense. "Yes, technically I have been watching you. But I work in the taco van over there. We're here because of the amount of revenue we get from the Worlds. We do this joint every year."

Beca raised a skeptical eyebrow at him. He smiled innocently back at her, which only resulted in her becoming even more frustrated. She thought hard about his excuse.

"But you're American. We're in Copenhagen," she pointed out his accent.

"My dad is from here, my mom is American. Me and my brother come here every summer to visit. The truck is my dad's and uncle's, but they let us use it while we're over, we get half the revenue for it," the guy shrugged. Beca sighed, her shoulders dropping in defeat. "Convinced?" The guy winked.

"Sure," Beca shrugged. "Whatever." The guy grinned, happy with his victory.

"Great! Taco?" The guy offered, holding one out to her. "They're good. If I do say so myself." Beca smiled, slightly humoured, and took it from his hand.

She ate the taco, cheering up immensely. However it soon became difficult to know whether it was the taco cheering her up, or the apparently never-ending supply of beer.

"So you see, really, I'm kind of a big deal," Beca explained with slurred words about her Acapella success. The guy nodded intently, hanging on every drunk work.

"I see," he slurred back. "So I'm kind of talking to a celebrity." Beca nodded way too enthusiastically, patting him on the arm.

"Exactly," she confirmed. "And that's why it's impossible for everyone to stay mad at me. Because really, when you really think about it, I am a celebrity."

"Every who?" Mark asked, confused by who Beca was referring to. Beca waved his question off.

"Not important," Beca giggled. "Now where's the beer?"

"Oh," Mark whined in alarm. "We finished it."

"No," Beca wailed, gripping his arm. "We can't let this happen!"

Mark flopped backwards onto the ground, tapping his scalp as his drunken brain tried to figure out how to get more beer. Beca watched him in silent fascination, awaiting his epiphany. Suddenly he sprang into a sitting position, causing Beca to tumble over in fright.

"I remember! I have more beer in my car! My bro took the van, but he didn't take the car!" He cheered, pulling Beca up before dragging her back across the field. Beca yelped in delight the whole way.

Once they reached the car Mark stopped, the two of them puffing in unison while leaning against his dusty red car. He was looking at Beca the whole time, seemingly completely obsessed. Beca raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" She demanded, hands on hips. Mark didn't answer. "What?" She repeated irritably.

Suddenly Mark had shifted his body around so that it was over Beca's, pinning her against the car. Then he smashed his lips hard onto Beca's own, causing her to squeal.

Beca wriggled around underneath him, her drunken mind trying to regain some sensible judgement. But her good judgment had left her a long time ago. Not even when she had taken that first sip of alcohol. No, her good judgment had gone the second she had cheated on her boyfriend.

"Jesse. Chloe." She mumbled drunkenly into the wrong lips, her voice barely audible.

"Huh?" The guy grunted back, beginning to grope at her chest. Beca shook her head, although their lips never parted.

"Never mind," she slurred, letting her body work on autopilot.

She felt Mark tug on the waistband of her jeans, his fingers slipping to her underwear. But Beca barely registered the movement, simply moving to accommodate his hand better.

She didn't care what happened to her anymore. It didn't matter what happened with this guy. Or any guy. They weren't Chloe. So she simply didn't care.

Unbeknownst to Beca, a small ginger haired girl stood in the shadows of the stage, watching the encounter unfold. Her hands were clutching her mouth. She was going to be sick.

After going to Beca's hotel room to properly talk with her earlier that evening, Chloe had been anxiously to  find that she wasn't there. Once she had searched the hotel inside and out, she had finally decided to retrace her steps back to where she had last seen Beca. The stage.

But what she saw there was enough to churn her stomach. In front of her was the girl she was in love with, hooking up with some random guy on his car only hours after their fight. Hours after their last kiss...

Chloe hid her face in her hands, stifling a sob. As things started to get more and more heated between the two people across the grass from her, she finally let herself run from the arena. She couldn't bare to stay any longer. Couldn't bring  it in her to watch the two strangers. Beca clearly wasn't the girl she thought she was.

She certainly wasn't the girl Chloe had fallen so badly in love with.

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