28) The One Where There's Some Good

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Beca sat with Aubrey and Jesse, watching the way they sat together like they were one person. It reminded her being with Chloe, that feeling of just fitting. It was something she had never felt with Jesse, they had just been too independent from one another.

"So how did you two get together?" Beca asked, smiling at them.

"Well it's kind of a long story," Jesse smiled.

Jesse sat at the airport, scrolling through his pictures from the last three years. Him and Beca, him and Beca, him and Beca, him and Benji, him and Beca, him and Beca, him and the trebles, just Beca, Beca, Beca, Beca...

It was torture.

How could she had done this to him?
Why hasn't she just broken up with him?
Why had he been such an idiot and ignored her calls?

Jesse had been kidding to himself that he was just giving her the space she wanted. In reality, he knew this wasn't true. He had wanted Beca to come crawling back. He had wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her. Jesse's plan had completely backfired.

For days after the Worlds Jesse had just gotten mad. Poor Benji had been the victim of many pillows thrown at his head. Jesse always felt bad after an outburst, but he just couldn't help it. It wasn't like him at all.

In a desperate attempt to avoid all reminders of Beca, Jesse had booked a flight out of the state. The plan was to travel for a while. To 'find himself'. However, as he boarded the plane, he didn't have any faith that it would work.

But Jesse tried anyway. For two years he tried to get over Beca. He tried to see other people. He tried to believe that they weren't all cheaters. He tried to stop being so angry. But it didn't work. Every state, every town, was the same. He just saw crowds full of Beca.

So Jesse went home. He flew back to Georgia, rented a small basement apartment and got a job working in the music store at the mall. At first his life felt like a step down - he didn't even have travelling as an excuse anymore, he was just a failure - but eventually he settled into his new routine.

He worked every single day, all the hours they would give him; he spent Sunday dinner with his parents, like a good son; he Skyped Benji on Saturdays, after Benji's Matene show on Broadway and before his evening show; he went grocery shopping on Tuesdays. That was Jesse's life. Easy. Predictable. Barden-free. Beca-free.

Until Jesse had to work late on Tuesday. Which meant shopping on Wednesday. Which lead to the most significant day of Jesse Swanson's new life.

Standing in the canned food aisle was a beautiful, tall woman with long blonde hair falling down her back. Jesse stopped. The woman turned. Their eyes met.



"I thought you were traveling," Aubrey said, shocked to see him.

So Jesse told Aubrey about what he has been up to since the night of the Worlds.

Aubrey had been living a rather different life to Jesse's. Instead of traveling around the country, Aubrey only traveled to and from work. She had cut down her hours and spent most of her days by Chloe's side.

Chloe was absolutely heartbroken.

She sat in bed with all light blocked out, curled up in an old grey tracksuit and a packet of cigarettes next to her bed.

Aubrey had tried her best to help Chloe get back on her feet, but nothing seemed to work. Chloe's heart was completely broken.

"I always thought we'd end up together. You know?" Chloe sobbed into Aubrey, day after day after day. "I-I loved her, Aubrey. Why didn't she love me?"

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