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Rayne's pov

What is wrong with me? That lunch break was the weirdest. When I was getting close to our table I thought it was odd that Cole was talking to beautiful grey eyes. Wait what? Arr never mind, when heard her calling Jasmine a freak I got really mad inside and kind of protective over her. Only I can call her that. Sometimes I just think "... Why do I call her that? I bet shes nice...I call her freak because she likes girls, but is that really a bad thing? I ...wonder... Well yes of course it is..."

I just have to stop thinking about her.

I don't put a lot of thought into it and just finish my classes for the day and head home. Its finally a weekend and I van spend it with father.

When I get home I go straight to father's office and say hi.

-Honey, how was school?

-It was okay and your day?- I ask him as I hug him, it's so nice to have him back all the time, I missed it so much.

-It was okay, honey tonight we are going to watch a play so get ready for that.- He smiles at me.

-What play?- I ask him with curiosity, it's been so long since me and dad went to a play together.

-It's a surprise.- I give him my puppy eyes but he doesn't give in.

-Okay, fine, what time should I be ready?- He smiles at me.

-At six.

When I go to my room to do my homework I see that Anna cleaned it and lit my favourite candle ginger bread cookies. It smells amazing, just like Christmas morning when we have fresh backed ginger cookies. It smells so warm and cosy. I go to the bathroom and take my contacts out and put my glasses on. I hate contacts, but I still use them at school so I don't get judge. After I finish my homework I start to get ready for the mystery play.

When I'm with dad I don't really care what I wear but still it's a play so a put on a really simple but beautiful white dress, a black thin cardigan. I apply a bit of makeup, tie my hair in a ponytail and leave my glasses on because I can't bother to put my contacts back on. I'm ready to go.

Its half past five when I go downstairs and I see Anna.

-Evening Annie. - I smile at her, for some reason I'm in a really good mood.

-Hey Rayne, why are you all dressed up?

-Going to a play with father.

-Ohh nice, never been to one of those, they must be nice.

-Really? - She nods yes, so immediately I have an idea and I yell across the corridor to where my father's office is- Hey daddy?

-Yes honey? - In the mean while Anna has a terrified look on her face like she knows what's about to happen.

-Don't you dare Rayne. - She whispers to me. Dad comes out of his office and meets us in the corridor.

I give him my sweetest smile.

-Can Anna come with us?- Anna is still giving me terrefing looks

-Why?- He asks

-Well you see, she works a lot and actually she has never been to a play before, so I thought it would be nice if she came with us.- I explain to him, cause I really want her to come, she may work for us but she's like a big sister to me.

-You seriously never been to a play? –Dad asks and she nods no. - Of course you can come, I'm going to call to get another ticket.

-Sir, don't bother, I don't have the money to pay for it.

My father does a serious face and then says...

-Don't worry, I'll pay and then I'll reduce it from your pay check next month.- I look at him in disbelieve, seriously? He wouldn't do that. But then he crack laughing and Anna and I just look at him confused. 

-I'm just kidding girls, Anna you don't need to worry about the money, I'll pay for it, it's a gift.- I can see Anna about to protest when father shushes her- No saying no, you are going and that's final, you can thank Rayne, now go and get ready.

We left for the play and still we had no clue what play we were going to watch until we got to the theatre. How could I forget its Harry potter and the cursed child premiere today. Anna and I looked at each other and smile wildly, I know for a fact that she's as crazy as I am for Harry potter.

-Daddy, you are the best.- I tell him and Anna agrees.

-Thank you, thank you.- He says playfully.

We go into the theatre and we have a cabin just for us three with an amazing view of the stage and shortly after the play started.

*** Skip to interval***

The first half of the play was amazing but I was dying to go to the toilet. I get up from my seat and drag Anna with me to the toilet, I tell dad where we are going and he just nods his head. I know this theatre very well so I know exactly where the toilets are. Amazingly there is no queue and we just go in.

As I get through the door I stop in my tracks and Anna bumps into me.-What is it? - She asks.But I'm just frozen, not those grey eyes again. They are staring at me, locked into my own eyes, but I snap out of it when I hear her voice.-Even here. - She says and I can barely hear her.I don't know what comes over me and I snap.-What are you doing here freak? - I say a bit too harsh and Anna just stares at me in shock.-Obviously the same as you blondie.-Don't call me that. - I tell her angry, I cat control myself she's just so grrr. -Why not, you call me freak.-Because I said so...-I would never have guessed that the queen bee was a nerd into Harry Potter and that she wears glasses, so basically you are a geek queen bee.-Don't you dare say a word about this in school.-That came out a bit threatening, I didn't want to say it that way, but the thought of everyone finding out gave the best (worst) of me.-Don't test me Rayne. - What is up with this girl, she's always shy and never talks back. She's about to leave but I grab her wrist, and I have tingling sensation.-Since when have you become so sassy and actually talked back? - I ask curiously, she looks at me and just says.-Since now.-Be careful freak...- and with that she leaves.-What was that all about? - Anna asks, I totally forgot she was there.-I tell you at home. Let's go and enjoy the rest of the play.


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