Part 5

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Rebel Fleet, aboard the Ghost, 1632, 3278 LY

     When Ezra woke up, he realized that he didn't have a nightmare and found himself in the medbay. At first, he had no idea what was going on or why he was in the medbay in the first place. That is until he caught sight of his left arm which was bandaged near the elbow. Then his memory rushed back to him, making his head spin. The despair, the knife, Kanan. Kanan. He didn't see his Master to his left, so he looked to the right and found his Master meditating, head in hands, seemingly upset. A tear ran down Ezra's cheek as he remembered how the older man was so full of love that he used the Force to hold his Padawan against the wall so he wouldn't lose him to the despair. He moaned, ''Kanan.''

     It came out weak, subdued, as if Ezra was a lot more tired than he thought he was. It pained him to be so dependent after all those years of surviving on his own, to fall apart after holding himself together for eight years. He wanted to trust Kanan, but if something happened to his friends, he needed to be able to depend on only himself and not fall apart like he did. Kanan raised his head, a smile playing on his thin lips. His teal eyes would sparkle if Maul hadn't taken them away from him. ''You're awake. How are you feeling?''

     If he were to be honest with Kanan, he would say: tired, weak, and miserable. Judging by the look on the older man's face, he already knew. The look Ezra gave him said it all; how pale his skin was, how dull his eyes were, how hoarse his voice sounded. His Master sighed, running a hand through his hair, as he answered his own question: ''You're tired. Go ahead and go back to sleep.'' Dimly, as his lack of sleep caught up with him, he realized he couldn't argue with the sound of sleeping for a few more hours. He closed his eyes, falling asleep in a minute.

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