Part 14

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Lothal, 1533, 3278 LY

     Ezra planted the detonators, smiling. The bucketheads wouldn't like this surprise, but then again, they didn't like anything the rebels did. That wasn't important; all he had to do was get out of there before they went off in thirty seconds. Turning around, he saw a group of bucketheads with blasters pointed at him. ''Now you guys join the party?'' he asked, firing off his own blaster, pulling out his blazing green lightsaber around the same time. ''Now, guys, no offense, but you should have joined the party outside. Well, it makes this fun.''

     Green blasterbolts poured in the boy's direction, but he deflected them back at the white-armored soldiers who shot them off, popping a few of his own off. Twenty seconds. Any more time, and he might not make it out alive. He started firing, wanting to cut them down, but knowing it was against the Jedi code. Maul told him not to hesitate, that it might cost him his-

     All of a sudden, the stormtroopers began falling as if they were being attacked from behind. Ten seconds. It was Kanan, forcing his way to Ezra from behind, but the surviving stormtroopers had realized what was going on and began shooting at the blind man, giving Ezra time to squeeze off a few more shots. Five seconds.

     There were two more soldiers who Kanan Force-pushed into a wall, knocking them out. ''Ezra!'' he yelled, holding out his hand. Three. ''We have to go!'' Grabbing Kanan's hand, the two began to run down the hall. Two. One. A blinding white flash, fiery pain, then nothing.

     Kanan felt excruciating pain all over his body as if it was on fire, but as soon as it had begun, it stopped. Ezra. Now the only pain was a dull pinch in the leg that the crate had cut a couple days ago. He sensed around for his Padawan, feeling a life form in front of him. He crawled over to Ezra, bringing the boy's limp head into his lap, checking his Padawan's pulse. Steady.

     Now Kanan just had to get them both out of there, but his leg was bothering him more that he had moved. He didn't think he could get them out of there. He needed help. The Imperials. They might be on their way now. His comlink chimed. ''Ghost to Spectre 1. Do you copy?'' It was Hera, voice lanced with concern and apprehension.

     The Knight pulled out his comlink after fumbling around for it. He responded, ''I hear you, Ghost. This is Spectre 1.''

     A relieved sigh from Hera. Apparently she was worried about them. She should be, thought Kanan as he felt Ezra's limp head loll to the side in his lap. The comlink beeped, Hera's voice asking something else. ''Where are you and Spectre 6? We didn't see you come out. Are you alright?'' 

     With a sigh, Kanan replied, ''I'm fine.'' He looked down at Ezra through the Force. ''Ezra, I'm not so sure about. How do I put this?'' He paused, calculating. ''Stormtroopers blocked our way out. We couldn't get out quick enough. Ezra was closer to the blast. He's alive, but I'm not sure how he is.''

     A pause on the other side before Kanan's comlink beeped again. Hera informed, ''I'll send Spectre 4 in your direction. Hang tight, Spectre 1. Ghost out.'' The comlink clicked off, and the Knight breathed out deeply, looking down at Ezra again. Kid, I'll get you out of here. 

     A minute passed before Kanan heard large footsteps headed in his direction. Sniffing the air, he knew Zeb had come, and felt the Lasat's eyes boring into him. ''Alright, I'm getting you two out of here,'' he growled, lifting Ezra up. Kanan heard him gasp, ''Karabast.''

     ''What is it?'' Kanan wondered, worry wavering his voice ever so slightly. Was it Ezra? Had something happened to him? Was he okay, was he still alive? Or was Kanan too late?

     Zeb responded, voice wavering, ''Your leg.'' The one that was bothering Kanan, something must have happened to it. ''Shrapnel.'' Just what he needed, too, with Ezra hurt. Regaining his composure, Zeb inquired, ''Can you walk, Kanan?''

     ''I can attempt it,'' Kanan answered, unsure of himself. Indeed, when he tried, his leg began to throb. He felt Zeb move over, offering support to the older male. Kanan took it gratefully, letting the Lasat support him while he limped, the two heading in the direction of the Ghost. He was a burden to Zeb who held Ezra in his arms and was shouldering Kanan's weight. 

     The leg was bothering Kanan, and he was becoming drowsy when they reached the door that would open to the bay Hera was in. Zeb grunted, ''Kanan, can you open the door?'' Shakily, he opened himself to the Force, utilizing it to open the bay door. Even though weight was usually no problem, it was draining his energy, and things came in and out of focus. He was pretty sure he almost dropped it twice. 

     When Kanan finally got it open, Sabine was waiting for them. Kanan was losing energy, becoming really tired, but he had to keep the door open so they could get through. ''Kanan, stay awake,'' Zeb urged from what seemed like far away. When he couldn't hold it open anymore, he let it go, his legs collapsing from beneath him. All things vanished in the blink of an eye.

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