Part 17

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Rebel Base, Atollon, 1842, 3279 LY

     Ezra banged his fist against the wall. Why won't they just listen to him? If only Kanan was around, but he wasn't. He never was. He was always doing his own thing, not realizing how much Ezra needed him. The sixteen-year old sighed, head bowed in defeat. He had his hair cut military-like about two weeks ago and an outfit change to symbolize the fact that he was growing up, but he bet Kanan didn't even know. That was the sad part.

     Come, a voice whispered in the back of his mind. It was the voice of the holocron, nagging at him. Kanan said not to open it, that it was dangerous. Even if Kanan didn't teach him anymore, he had to follow what he knew. Come to me, the voice nagged. 

     The sixteen-year-old male walked over to his cadet helmet where he hid his holocron. Ezra was becoming more mature, stepping in more as a leader, and he was growing stronger. But as he grew stronger, Kanan wasn't teaching him. He needed to be taught, and maybe the holocron will help him. He grabbed it and opened it. ''Help me,'' he pleaded, staring into the red reflection. 

     ''What is is you seek?'' the female voice asked, inquiring.

     Ezra answered, ''Kanan's never around. I'm growing more and more powerful each day, but he doesn't even know it. He's always gone, and I can't protect my friends if I'm not getting any training.'' He banged his fist against the table. ''I don't know what to do, but I want to protect them.''

     The holocron's voice rasped, ''Indeed, young boy, you do. Let me teach you to harness your power. I can make you more powerful than you could possibly imagine. I can teach you what your Master has not because I know many things. Lightsaber combat, Force powers, I can show you more power than anyone could.'' 

     There was a pause as Ezra considered it. Kanan said that this path was dangerous, that the holocron was dangerous. But it was knowledge, knowledge they could use to destroy the Sith. Why would Yoda send them here if he didn't want them to use it? As he pondered it, the holocron whispered, ''Your friends will never get hurt again.''

     Looking down at the holocron, Ezra made his decision. He whispered, pleading, ''Teach me.''

     Darkness. Kanan felt, saw, only darkness. Fear, grief, anger. All he felt. He sat in a meditative posture, trying to find himself again after losing his sight. He wasn't needed anymore. He botched missions, and botched training. What use was he to anyone?

     I sense you, a voice rumbled at the edge of his mind. It was deep and gruff, a voice he heard every day, but blocked it out. He blocked everything, everyone, out. Even the Force. It hadn't helped him on Malachor, didn't help him when his Master died. How would it help him now? When he needed it the most, it wasn't there. No warning, nothing. Not even a tingle.

     He kept meditating, even as he felt a pulse of darkness. He pushed it away, never plunged into the Force. He didn't want to. Just like on Gorse, he wanted nothing to do with the Force whatsoever. It had forsaken him, he was forsaking it. 

Part Eight answer: Kanan and Hera #Kanera

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