Part 6

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Rebel Fleet, aboard the Ghost, 2124, 3278 LY

     Ezra awoke again to being in the medbay like he was the first time. This time, he felt more energetic, more alive than he did before. Stronger, more awake. The first he had was one of any Padawan's; their Master. He looked to the right, but realized Kanan wasn't there. Where is he? he asked himself, but didn't have the answer. A warm female's voice spoke into his thoughts. ''You're awake at last.''

     Looking to the left, he found Hera looking at him. In her hand was a bandage; Ezra guessed it was an old one because he felt a clean, freshly put smaller bandage stuck on his cut. He replied, ''Yup.'' The Twi'lek threw the bandage away, then turned back to him with a smile. In her eyes was nothing but love, love he didn't deserve. 

     ''You sound better,'' Hera commented. Ezra felt better than he did the first time he woke up. ''Kanan worried about you, you know. He still does. He hasn't slept since the night before you passed out, almost three days ago.'' Ezra sat up in astonishment; he didn't know it had been that long. ''I had to force him out of the room.''

     Sadly, Ezra hasn't been cutting Kanan any slack since Malachor. He didn't realize just how much his Master worried about him. Hera smiled sadly. ''The supply run to Lothal went well. We just haven't gotten fuel. The Imperials were coming, and we had to leave.'' Ezra smiled with an idea, a plan. That's when Hera frowned, and he realized she knew what he was thinking. ''Tomorrow, Ezra.''

     ''Fine,'' Ezra grumbled. ''Tomorrow, we go get 'em.''

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