Part 29

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Hyperspace, close to Atollon, 1238, 3279 LY

     The crew of the Ghost minus Kanan had just completed a rescue mission which was successful. Ezra locked himself in his room, sitting on his bed when he should be out with Hera and the others. The dark thoughts from the darkest corners of his mind had shown themselves because he was alone. Because he had time to think.

     These thoughts had been buried for over a year. Ezra thought they were gone. But just like a hunter, it crept up on Ezra when it had the chance. He found himself contemplating the same thoughts he had about a week after Malachor. When he had gotten Sparkles.

     It was an honest mistake, really, the death of Sparkles. It was never supposed to happen. Ezra was stroking his purring Loth-cat, ranting quietly, when Kanan walked in. Kanan growled, ''We need to talk.''

     Kanan and Sparkles had never met, so, like every protective animal, the Loth-cat hissed and leaped on Kanan. Startled, the blind adult flung Sparkles, who hit the wall with a sickening crunch. Sparkles fell to the ground, limp and lifeless.

     Ezra let out a blood-curling scream. ''You killed him, Kanan! You killed Sparkles! SPARKLES! YOU MONSTER!'' Kanan stood, paralyzed with shock, as Ezra ran to the Loth-cat, picking it up, bawling into its fur. ''You killed Sparkles! I will NEVER forgive you for this!'' Sad and slightly confused, Kanan just shuffled out of the room.

     Ezra had never told Kanan, but he did forgive him. It was a mistake. How could he had known that Ezra had a Loth-cat? Flinging the cat was an involuntary reflex, instinct. He looked down, realizing that he was stroking his leg where Sparkles used to be, trying to draw comfort. 

     Frowning, Ezra grabbed the holocron, opening it. ''Is there a way out?'' Ezra pleaded, gazing intently into its depths. ''Is there a way out besides death?''

     ''Yes,'' the feminine voice answered. ''Some do not find it. As I recall, you almost became one of those beings before your Master intervened. Others find it. Their support system. Those who will be there when everyone else isn't.''

     ''I don't have one,'' Ezra sighed, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. His eyes were brimming with tears.

     The holocron answered, ''You do, young Jedi. Feel the Force around you. Listen with the Force and you will find your support system.'' Ezra immersed himself into the Force, letting it guide him. He felt the small presence of Kanan, trying to hide itself. But what caught his attention was the feel of fur and a purr.

     Ezra gasped, ''Sparkles!''

     ''The spirit of your lost friend is here to provide comfort and guidance. He is your support system. Do not let him go. He will let you draw on his strength and his spirit as well as draw on his comfort. Remember him, remember your passions, and you will never be weak. Let your passions fuel you.

     ''Thank you,'' Ezra whispered, stroking the spirit of his Loth-cat who purred again. Then he closed the holocron. 

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