Part 22

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Rebel Base, Atollon, 1245, 3279 LY

     ''Please, Hera!'' Ezra begged. ''Can I go on a mission?''

     Hera shook her head. It's been a week since Ezra's encounter with the Third Sister, and he was bored out of his mind. His leg had healed; he wasn't even limping. Yet Hera wouldn't let him go. He guessed she thought he wasn't okay enough yet. ''I'm begging you! My leg is fine now, I swear!''

     The Twi'lek looked thoughtful as she considered Ezra's words. They were all true, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Of course, she may not believe him. That's what stung. Sighing, Hera answered, ''I will let you go on a supply run if you let me come with you.''

     ''Okay,'' he agreed, welling up with enthusiasm. He had to go somewhere, anywhere. And how hard could a supply mission be?

     ''Inquisitor,'' an armored troop acknowledged into his comm, others near him. They didn't look like troopers; it was an undercover mission. The mission was to recover something lost, and thanks to a superior, they knew where the treasure would be.

     A feminine voice hissed, ''Yes, trooper 0757?''

     Perhaps the female didn't wish to be bothered. Yet she might guess why he was calling her and make an exception. Either way, he could get promoted with this information. ''Inquisitor, I have the treasure.''

     The feminine voice of the Third Sister returned, pleasure in her voice. ''Lie low. I will be there momentarily to claim my prize. The Jedi.''

     Hera and Ezra had gotten the last of the supplies. Really, to their surprise, there were no bucketheads around. They were able to get in and get supplies, which seemed odd to Hera. Something was up, something she couldn't place. That something was bad, but what it was, she could never guess. Perhaps that Inquisitor, though highly unlikely.

     Whatever it was, Hera figured they should get out of there as soon as possible. Ezra had agreed, though he had started to limp. They were almost out when a voice called, ''Freeze, rebels.''

     Then another cold voice, this one feminine with a hiss to it. ''Turn around.'' Hera watched Ezra turn around, his eyes widening. She turned around to find the woman from the Star Destroyer Twilight. The new Inquisitor. ''Nice to see you again, Jedi. And you have a Twi'lek friend. Interesting.

     ''I have a deal I would like to propose,'' she continued, smiling, showing pointy yellow teeth. ''Give me what I want, and I will let your friend over there go.''

     Hera muttered, ''Ezra, no.''

     The Third Sister smiled. ''Ez-ra,'' she slowly purred. ''What a wonderful name. Ezra, all you have to do is give me what I want.''

     ''Which is?'' Ezra asked, ignoring Hera's warning.

     ''Something small,'' she purred, holding up her fingers in a way that showed something small such as a mouse droid. ''Insignificant, really. You. In exchange, both I and my troopers will let your Twi'lek go.''

     Don't do it, Ezra, Hera thought, but it was too late. The sixteen-year old stepped forward, subjecting himself to stun cuffs, his lightsaber ripped away from him by the Third Sister. Hera watched as the Inquisitor walked forward, stomtroopers behind. Ezra looked back, and mouthed a hidden message to the Twi'lek. K-A-N-A-N.

     Immediately after they left, Hera thumbed on her comlink. ''Kanan,'' she murmured, waiting for a reply.

     ''Jarrus here. What is it, Hera?'' his voice questioned in return.

     Hera growled, ''The Third Sister just took Ezra. Get a TIE and meet me on the Corellian Run near the Corellian system. We'll talk there.'' Thumbing off her comlink, she ran, hoping to get away from this world with an Imperial shuttle.

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