Part 36

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Outside Capital City, Lothal, 1239, 3279 LY

     ''Specter 6 to Ghost!'' Ezra called into his comm. ''We need a pickup!''

     Over the comm, Hera answered, ''No can do, Specter 6. Too dangerous to land.'' They had been sent to Lothal for supplies, which they had gotten. Now Imperial bucketheads were firing at Zeb, Ezra, and Sabine as they ran with the crates. 

     Zeb grinned broadly at Ezra, who smiled in return. They had restored their bond after the two were forced to talk to each other. Ezra then yelled into his comm, ''Don't worry about landing! Just get low enough for us to jump.''

     ''Jump?'' Sabine echoed incredulously. ''Are you crazy?''

     ''Don't worry,'' Ezra assured with his trademark smirk. ''I'll jump first, then help you guys.'' The Ghost swooped lower and lower. Ezra knew when precisely to jump, how high, and where. Lifting his crate higher than the repulsors, he used the Force to propel himself and the crate onto the cargo bay of the transport, then flipped himself over the crate.

     Almost carelessly, Ezra shoved the crate behind him, then centered himself, ready for Zeb and Sabine. Sabine jumped first, landing on her feet like a cat, the crate in front of her. Ezra would've thought it to be a Force-jump, but the ship was lower than it had been when he had jumped.

     Now it was Zeb's turn. The Imperial fire was still heavy as, with a yell, Zeb threw himself and the crate at the transport. Just then, the Ghost rocked with a blasterbolt and Zeb's crate scraped the ramp of the cargo bay. ''No!'' Sabine yelled, but Ezra already had things under control. 

     Zeb flailed, and almost let go of the crate, but Ezra shouted, ''Don't let go, Zeb!'' He reached out with the Force, grabbing the crate with the heavy Lasat holding on to it, and grunted with the effort of pulling it up, then muttered, ''Wish Kanan was here to help.'' Still, he got the Lasat safely on board as the Ghost shot skyward, closing the boarding ramp. 

     ''That was close,'' Zeb gasped out.

     Ezra smirked. ''Isn't it always?''

     Hera smiled as four of the other members walked into the cockpit. ''How many successful missions has it been?'' Ezra looked out the viewport. Hyperspace. ''Six? Seven? All led by you, Ezra.'' Ezra blushed, taking the praise to heart. Zeb mussed the younger kid's hair, chuckling, while Sabine just punched him good-naturedly in the arm. ''I'm proud of you.

     ''But I have another mission for you if you're up to it.'' When everyone nodded, she continued. ''Sato already gave me clearance for you to take this mission. Your friend, Hondo, has been captured by the Empire on Naraka.''

     ''I'll need everyone,'' Ezra began, ''for this one. Chop, pull up a hologram.'' The droid did. ''Okay, we'll sneak here and strike here....''

It's over, lovelies! Go watch season three all over again! By the way, thank you SO MUCH for all the votes and comments. 36 chapters; it had to end sometime. What I really want to know is that, when you rewatched it, you thought of this book at least once. If you did, then my job was successful.

One more thing before you leave me. Chances are, you want another story. I have ideas of my own, but I want to hear from you.

x Kanera fanfic

0 BenxVestara fanfic

- Other (If so, let me know what it is. I'm not a mind reader.)

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