Part 19

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Patrol, some system near Atollon, 1453, 3279 LY

     A single ship, wings down, manifested itself where there once was the cold, empty field of space. Wings down, the ship flew towards an unknown coordinate. Its transponder codes read the Phantom, but the Empire didn't know that. The sole pilot, a sixteen-year-old human male, wanted to keep it that way. He was about to comm his friends when an arrowhead-shaped ship appeared. It was a Lambda-class Star Destroyer.

     The boy, Ezra, clicked his comm, sending a transmission to the rebel base back at Atollon. ''Phantom to Ghost! The Empire-'' But he was cut off as the Star Destroyer loomed above. Again. Great.

     ''Captain Syndulla,'' the commander, June Sato, began, ''you have an incoming transmission.'' Hera was scrubbing the ion scoring off the Ghost when her commander had walked up to her. She had sent Ezra on patrol, and he hasn't reported back. She was worried, but Ezra would report in sometime.

    Hera wondered, ''From who?'' She had a deep feeling it was Ezra, reporting in and on his way back to base. Commander Sato just turned an headed towards the hologram station.

     Clicking a button, Ezra's face popped up, and Hera's stomach dropped. His expression was one of fear as he shouted, ''Phantom to Ghost! The Empire-'' Signal was jammed at that point, ending the transmission. The Empire had found Ezra. That wasn't good.

     Sato ordered, ''This was to you, so it is your mission. Take who you wish.''

     Three stormtroopers looked uncomfortable as they led a blue-haired human male to an unknown destination. The male, Ezra, growled, ''You'll pay when I escape.'' Just then, a shimmering green blade erupted from the Hilton the lea stormtrooper's belt. As that trooper bounced around in fear, the other two began firing at Ezra, who used the bolts to blast his cuffs off, then grabbed his lightsaber.

     Bolts ricocheted all over the hall, bouncing off Ezra's green lightsaber. Eventually, the troops were all dead from their own blasterbolts. Standing over the bodies, he smiled grimly. Now it's time to go. At that moment, white hot agony burst into his left thigh. He dropped, looking behind him to see a stormtrooper with a blaster pointed at him. A shot. Then nothing.

     ''Ezra's hurt,'' an adult human male in a meditative position muttered. He wouldn't have known, save for the small ache in his left thigh. As soon as it had come, it was gone. That worried the human male, Kanan. Ezra was his apprentice; if he couldn't feel the throb, was Ezra still alive?

     The blind Knight would have dived into the Force, into their bond, to find out. He reminded himself that the Force wasn't there when he needed it the most. That was the reason he was blind in the first place. The voice that's been in his mind for a while spoke again. How so?

     Kanan replied, ''I could feel it in my leg. A small throb. But it's gone now. That's what worries me.''

     Why? Perhaps he was only hurt a little bit, hmm?

     ''No,'' Kanan negated, shaking his head. He picked up a clot of dirt, running it through his fingers. It was rough, grainy. ''He went on patrol, a couple systems away. If I can feel it from here, he's hurt badly.'' He moved his head down towards his hand, shaking it with grief. ''That's what worries me.''

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