Part 30

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Rebel base, Atollon, aboard the Ghost, 2255, 3279 LY

Buried in the questions, but I can't find the answers. I wouldn't be here tonight if I had to choose. I'd be with Kanan. It's always the bigger things in life that choose me like Kanan becoming blind. ''Close your eyes and listen to the Force,'' they say. ''The Force will guide you.'' But it hasn't.

Everything was beautiful. Nothing seemed to matter, nothing at all. Then the dark day on Malachor, and now everything is trash. I need Kanan, but he's not there. I want to say so many things, but I can never find the words. I want him to take me to the water's edge. Take me to the place where I can learn to love again. 

Do you know how many times I've wondered if I could end all of this? Do you know how many sleepless nights I've spent crying? I, I don't know what to do. I don't know who to turn to. I think I forgot how to love. I don't think I can. I need Kanan to give me the answer, heal-

     Ezra felt Zeb's presence coming closer. He didn't want any of the crew to know that he had a secret journal. That he has one of his 'pads as a journal that he's had for years. Shoving it under his bunk, he lied down and pretended to be asleep as Zeb walked in, crawling under him. It looked to be another dreamless, nightmare-filled night for him. The second one this week.

I need ideas for Ezra's journal and how to keep this going. Unless you want it to end. >:)

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